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Working jill in season

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Well I put an topic up about one of my jills coming into season early a while ago. I was wondering is it ok to work her even though she is in season? I am going out for the day tommorrow and she is one of the better workers so she would be great to take with me. Would it do her any harm if she goes with me?




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Well I put an topic up about one of my jills coming into season early a while ago. I was wondering is it ok to work her even though she is in season? I am going out for the day tommorrow and she is one of the better workers so she would be great to take with me. Would it do her any harm if she goes with me?




Hard to believe you have a jill in season ! Everything is wrong ,the time of year ,light levels etc. Does'nt add up unless you've been stuffing her with hormones under an artificial sun-lamp.Or she is ill in some way.


If she really is in season I'd be worried she recieved a scratch or took on a bit of dirt in her "delicatly swollen" area and would not work her .

Seriously though, something is'nt right and i'd find out why .

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Well I put an topic up about one of my jills coming into season early a while ago. I was wondering is it ok to work her even though she is in season? I am going out for the day tommorrow and she is one of the better workers so she would be great to take with me. Would it do her any harm if she goes with me?




Hard to believe you have a jill in season ! Everything is wrong ,the time of year ,light levels etc. Does'nt add up unless you've been stuffing her with hormones under an artificial sun-lamp.Or she is ill in some way.


If she really is in season I'd be worried she recieved a scratch or took on a bit of dirt in her "delicatly swollen" area and would not work her .

Seriously though, something is'nt right and i'd find out why .


Totaly agree with you, i am reading posts daily on other forums and here that jills are in season now, i have always kept my ferrets outside so they benefit from the natural daylight/dark thing , i am supprised to hear people who keep there ferrets outside are having them come into season already though


I also think it would be risky to let her work if she is very swollen just simply because of whats been highlighted about scratches etc

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Kay you;ve heard of this on other forums ?

I know (well I'm fairly convinced) that when there has been laying snow ,even for a few days ,that rabbits can be stimulated into breeding condition . The snow reflects the light hence gives the immpression of longer days .

or maybe it'd be worth collating a survey of feeding methods with the incidence of unseasonal seasons. Maybe Wellbeloved uses a source of protein from a hormone rich source? Just a thought.

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My jills are in season and im still working them just wipe there bits clean at the end of the day and keep the hutch clean ,Heres hoping they soon come out of season but it doesn't affect there working ability

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Kay you;ve heard of this on other forums ?

I know (well I'm fairly convinced) that when there has been laying snow ,even for a few days ,that rabbits can be stimulated into breeding condition . The snow reflects the light hence gives the immpression of longer days .

or maybe it'd be worth collating a survey of feeding methods with the incidence of unseasonal seasons. Maybe Wellbeloved uses a source of protein from a hormone rich source? Just a thought.


Yes i have read 2 accounts of jills being in season , but i am pretty sure they will be indoor ferrets, its the outdoor ferrets i am interested in finding out why there in season


I am not sure about the food thing without looking into that & asking others what they think, both worth further investigation by someone imo :thumbs:

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Ferret Complete James Wellbeloved




Turkey meat meal, ground whole wheat, turkey fat, fish meal, turkey gravy, natural potato protein, sugar beet pulp, full fat linseed, vitamins & minerals, manno-oligo-saccharides, extract of yucca, preserved with antioxidants natural vitamin E and vitamin C.



Min 26% turkey, min 26% vegetables.


Typical Analysis:

Protein 36%, oil 19%, fibre 3%, ash 9.5%.


Not sure if anyone knows how to pick this lot apart :laugh: i dont :laugh:

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Well I put an topic up about one of my jills coming into season early a while ago. I was wondering is it ok to work her even though she is in season? I am going out for the day tommorrow and she is one of the better workers so she would be great to take with me. Would it do her any harm if she goes with me?





you never said when she come into seson mate can i ask when



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She cam into season no more than a month ago






some thing is wrong there mate they dont come in to season till about march is she kept out side or in the house if she is in the house then itws the light and the warmth of it.

if she is out side you best take her to the vets.

thats the best i can do mate sorry.

if you go ont he net and find ferrets you wil find a site that will tell you i wil look and post it on here they are very good



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