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Out for a dig with Teckel

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Went out to check some local fox earths, as they have been losing some game birds. Managed to get one. Couple of pics of my 7 month old Teckel bitch, first time on an earth and did well. Obviously not too much due to her tender age! Could only manage to upload these couple of pics, hope you like them?







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David good to see someone else using these little hounds, my own bitch has just set her teeth and will be introduced to the rats this christmas holiday, have a nice colony that Ive been feeding for the last two months for her have some fun with, have just ordered a new pup from the breeder for the new year,

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David good to see someone else using these little hounds, my own bitch has just set her teeth and will be introduced to the rats this christmas holiday, have a nice colony that Ive been feeding for the last two months for her have some fun with, have just ordered a new pup from the breeder for the new year,

Hope your pup does well on the rats. If she's anything like mine you'll have no trouble. Gave mine her first rat at 13 weeks, which was running around loose in the shed with loads of places for it to hide, and as soon as I put her in the shed she knew something was in there. After a good hunt round the shed and a couple of near misses she caught the rat and shook the hell out of it. I didn't expect her to be that forward and it was no fluke as she's had plenty since.

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Are you saying that you put a 7month old pup in an earth on a fox which you then dug?

I'm not saying that so I'd better clear this up. A fox was dug with another dog, the fox being approx some 18" further up a very tight tube where the 7 month old had no chance of pushing to. So she was released off the couplings and left to make her own way to the dig, which she did with a bit of keeness about her. Went straight into where we had dug on a bit, started snorting up the tube where the fox was and then digging at the very small hole. She was left to do this for a little while, then coupled back up, opened up the dig and humanely shot the fox. Hope that clears things up. Only an arse would let a 7 month old get to any fox - that's not for me!

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Guest nitevision

well done mate,this is why some people struggle to post on here these days,in the last pic you can clearly see some other terriers,was obvious to me the work done by one of them,keep at it and good luck with the teckel pup,shame some cocks have to ruin your post.

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