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witch lurtcher

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hi my mum sade i can get a dog when hir chawawa dies so i want a small lurtcher for rabbit deer hare fox any pics and ur views


Nice photo of you and your mates I presume ? rabbits with permission I hope, good lad, hare, fox and deer are illegal unless flushing to guns, be careful on your choice of words, not all on line understand, unless you already have get your parents to get advice on the choice of lurcher from a local reliable hunter.


Keep up with the rabbiting best of luck.

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What experience do you have with lurchers?

If you are a total beginner i think you should stick to a small easy to train lurcher. Beddy whippet collie grey or something similar. And stick to the rabbits :thumbs:

Once your a bit older and more experienced you will know which dog to get for your chosen quarry.

I dont know whether to advise you to get a pup or a ready trained dog, theres pro's and con's of both. What were you thinking of getting, a pup or a ready trained dog?

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Thats cheap mate wouldnt of thought youd of had any bother getting good holmes for them would of snaped your hand off but ive got two young dogs that both need bringin on and my mrs would kill me if I brought another dog home not to mention a pup good luck finding holmes for them there crackers. ;)

you should be a man and do what i do . build a kennel she cant see into and only keep black dogs. s##t shes coming

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Thats cheap mate wouldnt of thought youd of had any bother getting good holmes for them would of snaped your hand off but ive got two young dogs that both need bringin on and my mrs would kill me if I brought another dog home not to mention a pup good luck finding holmes for them there crackers. ;)

you should be a man and do what i do . build a kennel she cant see into and only keep black dogs. s##t shes coming

:11: I usaly just turn up with them but only got a new dog 6wks ago not worth the divorce.

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top 3 i would say are

Whippet x Beddie

Whippet x Collie



Anyone one of these would be great for a first running dog. Iv got my first whippet and is a very fast obedient dog that i cant wait o take her out lamping(pic of her in my sig) so have a think about the three, but you cant go wrong with either one :thumbs:

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