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Please help settle a "discussion" between Kye & I

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Let me make sure I am understanding clearly what the answers have all been so far ... if Person A asks Person B if Person B was lying about something specific, that's NOT the same as calling Person B a Liar. Thats what you 5 lads are all saying, correct?

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Let me make sure I am understanding clearly what the answers have all been so far ... if Person A asks Person B if Person B was lying about something specific, that's NOT the same as calling Person B a Liar. Thats what you 5 lads are all saying, correct?


Person A is only asking, not accusing

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LOL no, I don't lie! I was asked by Kye if I lied about something quite important (whether I was REALLY roading the dogs properly on the nights he works or is out of town!) so I was more than a little annoyed.


Hey, I can admit if I was making a bigger deal of something than it really was, which is why I asked the question.


We rarely argue or disagree (because I'm normally always right and he doesn't bother to challenge me because it isn't worth his time :victory: ) so I thought I'd ask the question here.


thanks for the replies (and just kidding about the always right thing ;) )

Edited by His Wife
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