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out for an hour with my Whippet bitch

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  mally said:
Well it's been a while since i was out with Vixen on the lamp, what with her recent illness and the ground being solid for over a fortnight i thought it would be nice to let her have a run or two tonight. i left the house at 8.30 and we walked back in at 9.31.


she caught the first 3 rabbits not 50 yards from my house!! missed the on her 4th run and then caught the next 7 then she managed to cut her front leg on her last run (she ran into a balckthorn bush after the rabbit) it's nothing serous though only a nick..


10 rabbits from 12 runs.. she continues to impress me and TBH i'd go as far to say she's the best dog i've had the pleasure of owning for catching rabbits on the lamp.... I can safely say my freezer is well and truely full now thanks to this little dog


here she is with the nights catch



well done you are a proud and happy man, those little whippets, can do there job, filling the pot with rabbits and catching the odd pheasant, down the hedgerow, good Luck for the future,
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  ulverston moocher said:
Get mrs to get needle and thread out and make that dog a blue pair of tights and a red cape its a little belter mate good bag for an hours graft




She continues to improve with every outing, i never start my dogs too young i like to take things easy to start with. The bitch is 18 months old now and is out ferreting twice a week on average and a couple of nights lamping (when conditions allow). I don't over run a dog you know when they've had enough and i never over do it after all the rabbits will be there for another day..

A lot of folk critisied me for using a show bred stud dog (he's never done a days work in his life) but he's a very well put together dog and i have no hesitiation that he'd have worked if he had the oppertunity. What i have noticed in Vixen is her very laid back temprement she's not in the slightest hyper and she uses her head when chasing often cutting the rabbits off when there running towards a hedge line.


All she has to do now is prove herself as i don't agree with breeding from any dog thats not proven in the field, i see it all the time where folk advertise there whippets as being workers when i know there lucky to get out twice a year!!!

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  mally said:
Well it's been a while since i was out with Vixen on the lamp, what with her recent illness and the ground being solid for over a fortnight i thought it would be nice to let her have a run or two tonight. i left the house at 8.30 and we walked back in at 9.31.


she caught the first 3 rabbits not 50 yards from my house!! missed the on her 4th run and then caught the next 7 then she managed to cut her front leg on her last run (she ran into a balckthorn bush after the rabbit) it's nothing serous though only a nick..


10 rabbits from 12 runs.. she continues to impress me and TBH i'd go as far to say she's the best dog i've had the pleasure of owning for catching rabbits on the lamp.... I can safely say my freezer is well and truely full now thanks to this little dog


here she is with the nights catch





nice one mally

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  border lad said:
whippets, can do there job, filling the pot with rabbits and catching the odd pheasant, down the hedgerow, good Luck for the future,


I've broken her to pheasants mate as i do a lot of ferreting on local shoots and didn't want her catching pheasants under the keepers nose. She's also broken to chickens and all livestock except Deer (for obvous reasons).

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  lofti75 said:
good bag in small amount of time mate :victory:

she looks fast as fook!!!!

your lucky having a good amount of bunnies so local :thumbs:

weldone ,




Surprisingly mate she's not the fastest whippet i've owned but she's the best dog i've had for catching on the lamp, She uses her head and from experience a dog with too much pace an no brain over runs the rabbits and often smash themselves up.

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  peterbirdman1 said:
Hi Mally just wondering why you say she has to prove her self in the field before you breed from her, then you used a show dog as a stud. Which has not done a days work in its life. not been funny, just curious.


Vixen's sire is the show dog, Jess the Dam to Vixen is on the large side (21") and the stud dog i used is 191/2" i wanted to bring the size down a little in the pups to around 20". Vixen is 20" and 30lb. The sire is a very well put together dog that i'm sure if he had the oppertunity would have worked well in the field.

Vixen's litter brother recently won a lurecoursing event running against some very good dogs, This dog also works out in the field.


I don't intend breeding from Vixen until she's proved herself in the field it's just my way. As i intend keeping a bitch pup to keep the lines going. I havn't decided on a stud dog for vixen as yet as it's still early days although i've a couple to think about for the future

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  craig lurcher man said:
good looking dog u have.is this the dog u run in the lamping comp?


I've entered her in the lamping comp on the working whippet forum but it's doubtful wether it's going to take place due to lack of interest. So myself and another member is going to go out for a night in january. If all goes well with her i'll be entering her in the lamping comp on here next year.

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