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External gun cleaning

Guest air gunner

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Guest air gunner

what should i be using to wipe the exterior of my springer? i have been using WD40 so far but it has not been wet etc when im out so i have only used it once or twice. Now its winter though its cold and wet with lots of condenstion. is WD40 suitable?

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what should i be using to wipe the exterior of my springer? i have been using WD40 so far but it has not been wet etc when im out so i have only used it once or twice. Now its winter though its cold and wet with lots of condenstion. is WD40 suitable?


If you make sure your gun is completely dry, (leave at room temperature for a day or so)


Use a clean dry cotton cloth (lint free) and give the metalwork a good rub down and try remove as much of the wd40 as you can.


Quality gun oil can be obtained from most sport shops( that sell air rifles or accesories) or your local gunsmiths. Inexpensive and goes a long way.


If you give a clean cotton cloth again lint free a good douse of oil, but not soaking it. If you can get a sealable container or plastic bag to keep your oiled cloth fresh and clean.


Treat your dry metalwork by simply rubbing it down with the cloth.


When you have been out with the rifle and get home, wipe any excess moisture off with a clean dry cloth then allow to naturally dry at room temp, again wipe down with your oily cloth.


Never oil over moisture on the metalwork as this can trap moisture and inevitebly lead to rusting.


Always keep your cloths clean otherwise you will just transfer dirt and grit everytime you think your cleaning your rifle, not to mention the risk of scratching the metalwork.


Make sure your gun bag/slip is also dry before you place your rifle back into it, and try not to store your gun in the slip.


A little long winded but i hope it helps

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hi guys, 4 [bANNED TEXT] its worth , i do the same as above and use Napier gun oil containing VP 90 ...good price and works a treat...

i use breakfree oil great stuff attachment=61536:breakfree.jpg][

were do you buy that from celticwar?
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I use a cloth and some bisley oil but in my gun cabinet where it has been getting damp i use Napier Super vp90 patch which is a micromoleculer patch that stick to the inside of the cabinet and release a protective substance that only sticks to the metal its great.

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