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Secondly i would expect that the only place you would want the lurcher to hit is the throat, would a dog instinctivly know to hit there ?? i would expect that in the places where there is no ban ect that inexpirenced fox dogs would be bitten and would this fox bite cause much damage??




i don't know if dogs go for the throat instinctivly but only a stupid dog will keep on getting bitten on the face?!

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Guest Countryboyo
The buisness of running the lurcher on the fox is this not dodgy ground i dont mean the ban i mean in the sense that do the foxes fight back looking at the teeth of a fox am sure they could inflict some damage to a lurcher should they bite back. i believe a dogs aim is to kill the fox however is the foxes likly to try kill the dog or simply defend itself??


Secondly i would expect that the only place you would want the lurcher to hit is the throat, would a dog instinctivly know to hit there ?? i would expect that in the places where there is no ban ect that inexpirenced fox dogs would be bitten and would this fox bite cause much damage??


any storys or feedback wou.d be great having only had my dog 12months i have missed the oppetunity to hunt fox but am sure theres some old boys out there who have before the ban.




Hi buddy did you get lost looking for the Anti Blood Sports forum? :hmm:

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Secondly i would expect that the only place you would want the lurcher to hit is the throat, would a dog instinctivly know to hit there ?? i would expect that in the places where there is no ban ect that inexpirenced fox dogs would be bitten and would this fox bite cause much damage??




i don't know if dogs go for the throat instinctivly but only a stupid dog will keep on getting bitten on the face?!

Or a real hard one. A lot of pre ban fox dogs were very effective at the job in hand the odd bite is inevitable but rare to get very serious injurys from this type of work.

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the first couple i slipped my bitch on she would grab hold anywhere, she got a few nips the face chest and front legs, then she started to use her head a little as she clearly didnt like getting bit. Now she nips them and stands them up, looks for an oppertunity for a throat grip, ive seen her face them off for quite a bit long enough for me to walk up, and yes sometimes i do put a boot in.

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my big dogs gets them with the tail when it was legal and drag them back to me and if he had being eaten lambs and pheasants i let him have it on the chin but if he was a good fox and just ate rats and mice i let him go again , when the dog gets them with the tail he does not harm them and the fox just goes quite as he knows who is the boss

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Stupid questions get off the site.



You clown i am new to the lurcher world and was after some info from the more expirenced lads on this site...! Clearly i have worded this post carefully as not to provoke un wanted attention and broadcast the fact that dogs are still used ....!


come on was that response really required am sure at some point u were a young inexpirenced lurcherman..!

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Stupid questions from a complete knob/anti followed by replies from what I can only describe as clueless morons ! :wallbash:



You clown i am new to the lurcher world and was after some info from the more expirenced lads on this site...! Clearly i have worded this post carefully as not to provoke un wanted attention and broadcast the fact that dogs are still used ....!


come on was that response really required am sure at some point u were a young inexpirenced lurcherman..!


I am no anti believe me i live for hunting and i have a young bull x, i have been on this forum nearly a year now collecting wise tips from some good people i am not after this kind of respose.

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Guest Countryboyo
Stupid questions get off the site.



You clown i am new to the lurcher world and was after some info from the more expirenced lads on this site...! Clearly i have worded this post carefully as not to provoke un wanted attention and broadcast the fact that dogs are still used ....!


come on was that response really required am sure at some point u were a young inexpirenced lurcherman..!




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