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Lamping, two dogs and no rifle, i would imagine this thread will be binned before bed time, i suppose this could be likened to naughty school kids really, seeing what they can get away with before teacher comes in.


If you must go round breaking the law, why do you have to blatantly show it on a public forum, some of us rather enjoy being on here and dont really want to lose it, and that is what will happen if people who need to be seen as big hunters who crave attention from their peers keep posting illegal activities.


Why doesnt someone start a forum specifically aimed at people who like animals to have a lingering death, it could cater for dog fighting enthusiasts, badger baters, cock fighters and all the other chavs, they could then all post pictures of their barbarity for each other to congratulate each other on, while the more civilised carry on legaly.


seasons greetings to all true sports people.



Oops i seem to have clicked on to the anti-hunting site by mistake. Whats all this sh##e about lingering deaths? I dont suppose your moles likes getting squeezed to death very much either? :wallbash:

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Lamping, two dogs and no rifle, i would imagine this thread will be binned before bed time, i suppose this could be likened to naughty school kids really, seeing what they can get away with before teacher comes in.


If you must go round breaking the law, why do you have to blatantly show it on a public forum, some of us rather enjoy being on here and dont really want to lose it, and that is what will happen if people who need to be seen as big hunters who crave attention from their peers keep posting illegal activities.


Why doesnt someone start a forum specifically aimed at people who like animals to have a lingering death, it could cater for dog fighting enthusiasts, badger baters, cock fighters and all the other chavs, they could then all post pictures of their barbarity for each other to congratulate each other on, while the more civilised carry on legaly.


seasons greetings to all true sports people.



you sound like a anti mate i suspose you want this forum end up like k9 or something

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Does posting illegal activities and illiteracy go hand in hand on this site now?


Sounds like MT is only pointing out the fact that yet again you have to show off your illegal activities, which I seem to remember nearly got the site closed down perminantely and the only response as usual is torent of abuse and accusations of being an anti :rofl: . Believe MT uses break back traps for his moles, not pinchers!


Get a life boys! :tongue2:

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Does posting illegal activities and illiteracy go hand in hand on this site now?


Sounds like MT is only pointing out the fact that yet again you have to show off your illegal activities, which I seem to remember nearly got the site closed down perminantely and the only response as usual is torent of abuse and accusations of being an anti :rofl: . Believe MT uses break back traps for his moles, not pinchers!


Get a life boys! :tongue2:

My mistake FPO, how wrong of me to say that he uses pinchers when he breaks the moles backs. Must be a hell of fun for them getting there back broken. :no:

I see your point about illegal stuff and you are quite correct that no one wants to lose this great site but is it anybodys fault that there is a shitty ban? NO!!!!!!!!!

Just because there is a ban doesn't mean you have to give up something that you love doing.

Mole trappers comments were way of mark when he implied that people who use dogs to hunt were chavs and put them in the same circles as dog fighting. :thumbdown:

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Guest w.m.avian

you can see were the bullit hit the fox and deer so whats all the fuss


a neck shot on the deer and behind the shoulder on the fox



that deer was shot in the day and photos took later on with the camra after lamping the fox


im correct arnt i lads


good job

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