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Pac collars versus other makes

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Ok, it is official, my Patt tried to kill a sheep yesterday. I live in open scattald (hill) and we are surrounded by sheep.


My patt bitch (2 1/2 - spayed) has suddenly got it in for sheep and not just chasing. Who knows? Could be full moon but it has to stop now before lambing. She hasn't actually killed one yet but it won't be long.


So collars......


I have been lent the world's oldest probably original Pac collar that I am charging that refuses to work. So the choices are :-


Buy a Pac collar - £210

Rent a Pac collar - £60 per month

Buy a second hand other type/make of collar


Are Pac the best (in the UK?). Is there really any difference or do you get what you pay for. I do believe in spending money if it is worth it.


Sadly, I know my bitch. She will learn in about 2 zaps and that will be it. Pac collar back in box and never will see the light of day again. I would be like a turd in a swimming pool if I put it on Ebay, I bet!


She learns quickly. I know this because of the horse treatment - see previous thread by someone else on electric shock collars.


So, I don't want a lecture on "how cruel" - I know my dog, I know my neighbours, I know rams with horns and I am realistic as to the consequences. This has got to be stopped now.


Are all electric collars the same? Are some better than others? Any recommendations?



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dogtra are by far the best there not cheap but the best never is , i used to have Pac collars in fact i found them out in the garage at the weekend but they need new batteries in them now PAC collars are good but dogtra are the best , why dont you hire one for a month and see how you get on with it before you go buying one

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