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Hello all,


I haven't been on here for a few months. Im getting a staffy pup in the next few months and want to feed it the BARF diet. I joined a 'staffy forum' last week just for the hell of it and when i stated that i would be feeding BARF, this is one of the replies i got...


''are you mixing the food with a kibble?


a puppy should be on high end rehydratable puppy kibble first & foremost, just one small cup to which you can add a lot of the ingredients you listed, you should also include puppy mince, full fat yoghurt - chicken necks & brisket bones are good for a growing puppies teeth & jaws

a high end kibble has the right balance of essential vitamins & minerals especially calcium & phospherous.

people make the mistake of feeding their puppies too much calcium, which is just as bad as not enough. worse in some cases''


I know that when i first started asking about BARF on here, about 12 months ago, everyone told me that 'kibble' has no place in the BARF world and is un-nesescary.


Ive told this guy that i dont agree in mixing kibble into the BARF diet, i dont think its required and i know that dogs dont need wheat, dried rice, corn or anything else thats in the dried stuff.


And they dont need carbs, as they get all of there energy from fat and protein.


Can anyone back me up here? A 8 week old pup will be fine on a good varied BARF diet wont it?





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BARF is a great diet for any breed/age of dog.Problems arise when people start getting lazy and feeding one type of food.I personally feed mine a mixture of raw meat and bones,boiled veg,offal and kibble.Some purists might dissagree with feeding any kind of dried feed,but i honestly don't think a handfull of dry now and then does any harm.

I'd guess the reply to your thread,was showing concern that the pup may be missing something in his diet,and thats why they recommended kibble.

All my dogs have been fed a predominantly barf diet,my last pup was started on boned chicken wings and necks,along with some raw mince and kibble.HTH's

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thanks very much mate, that helps alot.


While im on the subject...


Ive got a mate whos got an english bull terrier. And the dog just inhales his food, he has had to have 3 stuck bones removed by a vet now.


So my mate is feeding him everything minced. Minced whole chicken carcass, minced beef and bones, minced breast of lamb, etc.


Is there anything wrong with this other than the bones wont be cleaning the dogs teeth?


Its still gotta be better than feeding just dry or tinned meat?



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thanks very much mate, that helps alot.


While im on the subject...


Ive got a mate whos got an english bull terrier. And the dog just inhales his food, he has had to have 3 stuck bones removed by a vet now.


So my mate is feeding him everything minced. Minced whole chicken carcass, minced beef and bones, minced breast of lamb, etc.


Is there anything wrong with this other than the bones wont be cleaning the dogs teeth?


Its still gotta be better than feeding just dry or tinned meat?




Nothing at all wrong with feeding minced carcass,i know of many people who base there dogs diet on minced chicken carcass.As for cleaning the dogs teeth?if it chokes on raw bones get a good quality hide bone.

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thanks very much mate, that helps alot.


While im on the subject...


Ive got a mate whos got an english bull terrier. And the dog just inhales his food, he has had to have 3 stuck bones removed by a vet now.


So my mate is feeding him everything minced. Minced whole chicken carcass, minced beef and bones, minced breast of lamb, etc.


Is there anything wrong with this other than the bones wont be cleaning the dogs teeth?


Its still gotta be better than feeding just dry or tinned meat?




Nothing at all wrong with feeding minced carcass,i know of many people who base there dogs diet on minced chicken carcass.As for cleaning the dogs teeth?if it chokes on raw bones get a good quality hide bone.


Thanks alot for the reply mate.





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