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out this afternoon and a bit of excitment

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Went for a walk this afternoon close to home on some ground i got, chucked a few nets in me pocket with the collar and a spade in me coat. Was planning to have a look at a small copse i havent been to since the summer when i found a few dug out holes. Walked across one field to a break in the hedge and what did i see....mr fox making a get away straight towards the copse! I thought this was gunna be the day everything came together for me little bitch! Ssee saw it and it was nose down and tried her hardest to drag me up to the copse. Last i saw of the fox was it disapearing over the brow at the bottom of the copse right where i know there are a few holes. I was getting dead excited by this point!





Got up there, my bitch had her nose down the whole time following the scent which i was pleased with. Got to the holes, let the bitch have a sniff....not intrested! no boot marks going in or out. Walked the wood to see if we could put anything out incase the fox went into there, but noting! I assumed he just headed straight across the next feild towards the banking of the daul carrage way so i left it and headed home. Checked another hole on the way home in a hedge and my bitch went in and traveled abit before coming out so obviously nout there.


Still un-entered,but at least the dog got a run and an idea what the fox smells like!


some photos







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you should invite me down for a dig oldnog looks like we might get something by the look of that treasure map you put up,did you got it off long john silver? sorry pal my sense of humour is bad i know,but that picture does look like a treasure map!!!!!

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you should invite me down for a dig oldnog looks like we might get something by the look of that treasure map you put up,did you got it off long john silver? sorry pal my sense of humour is bad i know,but that picture does look like a treasure map!!!!!


:clapper::clapper: any chance of an invite too ive got a metal detector as long as we split treasure 3 ways :whistling:

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you should invite me down for a dig oldnog looks like we might get something by the look of that treasure map you put up,did you got it off long john silver? sorry pal my sense of humour is bad i know,but that picture does look like a treasure map!!!!!


:clapper::clapper: any chance of an invite too ive got a metal detector as long as we split treasure 3 ways :whistling:

3 ways????????? i dont think so!!!!!!
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