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hi all just starting shotgun shooting just wanted to no if chokes make a big diffrence shooting at a distance i will be mainly shooting pigeons and rabbits thanks for the help


doesnt make a massive difference mate main thing is putting your shot in the right place i. personally use quater and half all the time i shoot geese,pheasant ,duck . you find alot of people in this game blaming their tools if your on em ul kill em.

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No need for number 5's for a start :whistling: (lets not have that debate :D )


If you are shooting a moving target at a greater distance, you will need to increase the lead in the front of the bird.


Pigeons are very unpredictable birds and can be plodding along or can be rocketing along. You need to read each one to see how much lead you need to give it.


There are guides on the web to show you roughly how much lead to give a bird going a certain speed, but the best way you will learn is practice.


If you don't want to practice on Live stuff, then go and have a few rounds of clays.


It becomes "Muscle Memory" after a while believe me :yes:


As for chokes, they don't really increase the distance that you are shooting, just how sparse the pattern will be at that distance.


I like clean kills with light loads so I shoot 1/2 and 1/2.


SS :thumbs:

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