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rat smoker

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got one mate NOT GOOD :angry: chainsaw engine 1000 times better ;)
i`d agree with the chainsaw altho my mates had no problems with his ratsmoker so far !!! what problems have you had dd any thing he should look out for ? Edited by the_stig
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has any one tried them new rat attack smoker by arthur carter? all the best for christmas lads happy hunting.
my mates got one thr alright and make a fair amount of smoke but i prefer my old chainsaw ..

cheers stig they do the job thats all i need to no. :D

my chainsaws been goin forever .. think thats the path i`d go down.. Edited by the_stig
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get digging you lazy b*****ds :clapper:

get a dog that can mark, then your not wasteing your time B)

You took the words out my mouth there.I used to use chainsaw but i stopped cos i think it can damage a dogs nose after a while in the the same way as 20embassy a day will do to a humane.The nose is a very delicate instrument but apart from that its more like proper work when the dog marks and then has to work a bit to get his rat.The only other thing we use to shift them occasionally is a jcb which does smoke a bit i suppose.
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