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No, but I recently took in a roller I think it was. Beautiful bird. White with grey patches on the wings. Everybody said it was the most beautiful pigeon they'd seen.

It fell out of the sky onto a roof and rolled into the gutter while I was walking home from school. The poor thing couldn't move. I got a ladder and came back for it. Couldn't even stand in the cage and its droppings were just water and were foul smelling. Kept him by the heater and I gave it salt and sugar in water with a syringe, then found some Critical Care Formula I had from a few years back for my other birds. Syringed him that every day, he was soon eating solids again. Soon he was throwing the food around, cooing and excersising. Just let him go about a week ago.

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hi i keep racers, had them afew yrs now mainly distance strains.


my dads old family cattryese based ,a few bricoux,titmus and some spangles too


I would be very interested to here about the titmuss pigeons you have I bought one pair from peter in 1992 and in first season bred a pigeon I called little miss titmuss this hen won me over £3,500 and two RPRA awards in 1995 I had many of my stock stolen along with the orignals I had then I was gifted from peter the fifty pound cock which is name stuck as when he was a squeaker george burguss who was a pau national winner offerd peter fifty quid which for anyone who knows george was a fortune but peter never sold and he wenton to win both north and south and like ever thing in life he did not last long but have been good pigeons to me but pigeons have had to take second fiddle to my terriers and spaniel still love the pigeons but when I wake up it is not about getting basket out and down the road it is where is me and the dogs going today .

I would say that my life was took up 24/7 with racing pigeons and have had a little success in the sport but if I never win another race have many memeriors but the hunting or should I say getting out into the country after being in a factory for over thirty years and then having had two total knee replacements and the freedom it gives and the pleasure seeing a dog work but this game it is not about price you pay but the more they do the better they become and if I can ever give a little advice without sounding big headed about the pigeons I will always take advice on the dogs as I am only learning the art but am getting cold, wet, and looking many times dont find but when I do it is all worth it but I am loving ever bit .

Happy hunting and if there are a few pigeons lads on the site good look for 2009.

alan p (KIPO)

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i do as well 6 years now started with sprint ,now im hooked on distance ,after sending one to BARCELONA 752miles and got him ,i also got some PETER TITMUS blood from KENY HINE ,the other strains are from the best of WILF REED his own strain and JOHN PUDDYPHET southwell and spangle blood , and DAVE GODDARD geof marsh blood, all out and out distance flyers.Im now chomping at the bit for the season to start.

Edited by MY LAW
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I still race em, a bit of a mixed bag didn"t have a bad 08 season and im of to blackpool next month

I had a couple of pair of leermens x gearverts off Ronnie Hale early doors this season and the youngsters have done me proud

I have gone of the distance scene over the last couple of seasons and getting in to sprint racing

Main problem I have is training to get any distance on then involves driving on the M25 south and its a pain in the backside at the best of times plus ive had em hawked 5 times this season and im even having them taken of the top of the loft and as fast as im shooting them another bloody hawk moves in

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