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Terriers attack each other!!

Guest WILF

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My 2 terriers got stuck into each other today........now to be honest, I really lost it and spoke harshly to them!!!!

I may have even called them a rude name in my red mist!!...........bad I know, but it was the heat of the moment.


Now, I am really worried that I may have hurt there feelings.........do you think they will get over it or will they not be able to forgive me and maybe I should re-home!!!


I cant sleep guys, help!! :(:(

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  WILF said:
My 2 terriers got stuck into each other today........now to be honest, I really lost it and spoke harshly to them!!!!

I may have even called them a rude name in my red mist!!...........bad I know, but it was the heat of the moment.


Now, I am really worried that I may have hurt there feelings.........do you think they will get over it or will they not be able to forgive me and maybe I should re-home!!!


I cant sleep guys, help!! :(:(


call youreself a dog lover ,how can u do such a thing?????!!!!! :o:D

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  WILF said:
............squirt them with water!!!! :o:o



whatever you do don't use cold water or you will have to part with them.


you should've asked here for advice before attempting to seperate them.......lesson learnt??

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Wilf i think it's called being human we do things on the spur of the moment and say things we don't all ways mean, the other day i made dinner for my red terrier he ate a few mouth fulls and didn't finish it all, so i shouted at him "steven you ginger BOLLOCK head you ungreatful barstard" he's been off his food ever since he's acting like one of those teenage girls with an eating disorder, i don't know what to do as well may be we could get a dog psychologist on this forum to help us with our problems.

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  WILF said:
My 2 terriers got stuck into each other today........now to be honest, I really lost it and spoke harshly to them!!!!

I may have even called them a rude name in my red mist!!...........bad I know, but it was the heat of the moment.


Now, I am really worried that I may have hurt there feelings.........do you think they will get over it or will they not be able to forgive me and maybe I should re-home!!!


I cant sleep guys, help!! :(:(

R.S.PC.A INFORMED, expect a visit, how dare you shout at em and god forbid spray em with water, they,ll come an rescue em and give em a better home in dog heaven!!!

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Guest Eamon.Mc

Wilf maybe you should offer them some doggie treats like

some bonio biscuits or something, give them lots of petting

and attention and they'll soon come around mate.


I hope this helps? :good: If not mate phone the samaratins

they'll give you all the support ya need and you can remain

annonymous. :friends: :thumbs:

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  WILF said:
I am at my wits end lads...........if it keeps on I may have to...........no, no!!.....I cant say it!!




Oh allright then....................I may have to............squirt them with water!!!! :o:o



feck me Wilf I almost started WW3 on another site when I declared that I use a huge syringe like a water pistol and the thread had the title "they don't like it up 'em" :icon_eek:

now here at our gaff the crew are are Dad's Army.............nuff said? but hell are there some sad feckers out there in their "real" world :laugh::drink:

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