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Tick Removal Instructions

Ideally, wear rubber / plastic gloves or, in the absence of gloves, shield fingers with tissue or paper.


Choose the most suitable O'Tom Tick Twister hook, according to the size of the tick (each pack contains two sizes, one for adult ticks and one for the tiny nymph ticks).


Engage the hook by approaching the tick from the side (the body of the tick is flat) until it is held securely.


Lift the hook very lightly and TURN IT (screwing or unscrewing). The tick detaches itself after 2-3 rotations.


After removing the tick, disinfect the bite site and wash hands with soap and water.


Save the tick for identification in case you become ill within several weeks. Write the date of the bite in pencil on a piece of paper and put it with the tick in a sealed plastic bag and store it in a freezer. Your doctor can use the information to assist in making an accurate diagnosis. Although not every tick carries Borreliosis or any of the associated co-infections, immediate removal of an attached tick is recommended.


DO NOT use petroleum jelly, any liquid solutions, or freeze / burn the tick, as this will stimulate it to regurgitate its stomach contents, increasing the chance of infection.


O'Tom Tick Twister instructions illustrated

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Tick Removal Instructions

Ideally, wear rubber / plastic gloves or, in the absence of gloves, shield fingers with tissue or paper.


Choose the most suitable O'Tom Tick Twister hook, according to the size of the tick (each pack contains two sizes, one for adult ticks and one for the tiny nymph ticks).


Engage the hook by approaching the tick from the side (the body of the tick is flat) until it is held securely.


Lift the hook very lightly and TURN IT (screwing or unscrewing). The tick detaches itself after 2-3 rotations.


After removing the tick, disinfect the bite site and wash hands with soap and water.


Save the tick for identification in case you become ill within several weeks. Write the date of the bite in pencil on a piece of paper and put it with the tick in a sealed plastic bag and store it in a freezer. Your doctor can use the information to assist in making an accurate diagnosis. Although not every tick carries Borreliosis or any of the associated co-infections, immediate removal of an attached tick is recommended.


DO NOT use petroleum jelly, any liquid solutions, or freeze / burn the tick, as this will stimulate it to regurgitate its stomach contents, increasing the chance of infection.


O'Tom Tick Twister instructions illustrated



Cheers kay, helpful as always :D

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Tick Removal Instructions

Ideally, wear rubber / plastic gloves or, in the absence of gloves, shield fingers with tissue or paper.


Choose the most suitable O'Tom Tick Twister hook, according to the size of the tick (each pack contains two sizes, one for adult ticks and one for the tiny nymph ticks).


Engage the hook by approaching the tick from the side (the body of the tick is flat) until it is held securely.


Lift the hook very lightly and TURN IT (screwing or unscrewing). The tick detaches itself after 2-3 rotations.


After removing the tick, disinfect the bite site and wash hands with soap and water.


Save the tick for identification in case you become ill within several weeks. Write the date of the bite in pencil on a piece of paper and put it with the tick in a sealed plastic bag and store it in a freezer. Your doctor can use the information to assist in making an accurate diagnosis. Although not every tick carries Borreliosis or any of the associated co-infections, immediate removal of an attached tick is recommended.


DO NOT use petroleum jelly, any liquid solutions, or freeze / burn the tick, as this will stimulate it to regurgitate its stomach contents, increasing the chance of infection.


O'Tom Tick Twister instructions illustrated


I love it when your forcefull, have you ever thought about becoming a teacher. :D:D:D

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better than spending money on a gimmick .




but you have a telescopic on your rifle in your signature, rather than open sights, is that not a gimmick :icon_redface:

every tool has its job, weathers its a £100 sight, or a £5 tick puller

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