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whippet/pit cross

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Hello there,can anybody tell me how the first cross whippet x pit/staff will be like,i mean percentage wise will they all look like heavy whippets or fragile bully types and should i go with three quarter bred whippet/bulls? I hope someone can shed a light. Thanks.

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tend to give you a gin trap on legs, make great pigdogs but would think they would not catch too many rabbits as they are not fast enough, 3/4 bred would be a start. having whippet in a cross brings out the hunting drive and they make pretty good finding dogs.

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Thank you all for your reply.i believe i saw a few pictures of 3/4 breds witch looked very good and not realy like a bulldog,size and atlethic wise,so i will be on the look out for a 3/4 bred or breed my own because i think they will be very hard to come by overhere. The grey/whippet is also a beautful dog but same problem don't have them around here. It's mostly purebreds. A friend of mine has two male whippets and i have a female bull so.... but i only need one pup :D so what to do with the rest.

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Guest wheaton

hello everyone, i have a small bitch staff at home, i was just wondering today if i could breed her to a whippet because iv herd usually the dog staff over to the bitch whippet so any info would be appreciated lads n lasses....... if not ill just breed her to mi m8s wheaten :good:

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Guest wheaton

sorry skinnyrat i didnt mean it to sound like that... im not guno breed her yet anyway i was just wondering.. shes only just turned 2 im looking about the age of six or somwhere around that......im only 15 so i might of worded it wrong :blink:

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Tried to put a few "whippets" over my little bull bitch, but we had no joy. We tried AI too, but the dog I used turned out to be a jaffa. The size was a problem as my girl is only 16" and I wanted to use hard blood, but there are ways around that. The aggression was another one, but that can be overcome too. Baileys, white maltesers and My Girl on video usually do the trick :laugh:

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i bred ant gs pups and i rekon i migh have bred paddys if not he looks like mine.

there plenty fast enough mate .

but dipends what you want it for .

i ran a 9 month old race bred bitch with ants black dog in the pic and there aint much in it .

of course she would piss him now lol :rolleyes:


i dont want bull whippets talked down or how unfast they are till you see one go they should get alittel more respect.

at the end of the day its a classic whippet cross as we know that bull blood was added to whippets years ago.


if this bicth of mine ever breaks down i will put ants dog over her to do some 3/4 breds but i would favor a 50/50 cros as its more my sort of dog.


i will be totaly honest i was not gona bred this bitch at all cos she was just not shaping up and i had had enough but she has turned the corner now and is getting better every day.


all the best

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