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In making threats like that the keeper was committing battery (could be assault, can't remember which). You don't have to even touch someone to commit this. Just making threats can lead to a charge.


I can't understand why the police didn't carry out their duty and arrest him. Quote


It is assault, but how can you prove what the keepers said, thats the problem. Without proof its your word against theres.

The only thing the police can go on is that they phoned them and you had a lamp , dog and you were on land that you had no permission to be on.

Thats probably why no action was taken against the keeper


In the first post it sayes he was walking on a tarmac public road at 10pm


If it was tarmaced then at minimum it has to be a public right of way, In that case, the lamp is irrelevant. It's not an offensive weapon and he had every right to be carrying it. It's unbelievable that someone could be threatened like that and then the police take action against the person whose been threatened.


Complaints need to be made about how this was handled by the police and official reprimands ahould be issued.


The police are meant to be there to protect people from threats of violence, which they haven't done in this case...

Edited by Funfuret
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maybe he got home & then got the dogs & walked them :laugh: grabbed the lamp as i do myself when out after dark with the dogs



Apart from anything else why just take the lamp why not the dogs as well if they seriously suspected he had been poaching



Becase most police wouldn't have the facillitys to store the dogs, and they could have taken the vehicle as well

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Guest rexdigger

you have only lost your lamp get over it find someone to buy pheasants off you go shoot a few and buy another lamp all this fuss for a few quid as for the police they wont even bother following it up thats why they want YOU to go to the police station cos they cant be arsed to come for you trust me iv had this happen a few times,you will go to the nick they will arrest you because they cant interview you unless they do they will then give you a caution whether you want it or not FACT so just forget about it get anothe rlamp and carry on regardless ;)

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maybe he got home & then got the dogs & walked them :laugh: grabbed the lamp as i do myself when out after dark with the dogs



Apart from anything else why just take the lamp why not the dogs as well if they seriously suspected he had been poaching



Becase most police wouldn't have the facillitys to store the dogs, and they could have taken the vehicle as well

if the police have a report of a crime or suspect a crime has been comited then they have to take any evedence to do with the crime ,ie the lamp the dog ,,if they do persue it then keep asking them why they did not take the dog ,and if they cant give you a proper reason,then you have grounds to fight them on if they do decide to make a case of it .ie no crime was comited that is why the dog was not taken along with the lamp ,do they give a burgler his tools back if they suspect him of house breaking ,i think not [not having any where to put it is not one because they use the RSPCA,or the nearist dogs home ]just look what has happend in the latest hare coursing incerdent,not caught on land but all dogs taken from the house.if you stick to your guns on the dog not being taken they dont have a leg to stand on ,even if the keepers go against you,it is a loop hole they have left open to you ,wether you was poaching or not . Edited by MY LAW
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Firstly riodog no i dont try and run rings round him id had the dog 4 days after a 3 year break from hunting and took him to show my mate!

Elma i completely agree with you,hes just an out and bully who talks like a copper!

Cheers Graham and kay and Mass_ for the advice,ill put this to bed now as its run its course but ill let you know how i get on next weekend!

Cheers for the chat folks!!!!

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have i missed something here, how the f@ck is a keeper or anyone else got the right to stop anyone on a public road not commiting anything unlawful and do anything, anyone stops me in those circumstances i keep walking plus they would get a slap if they decided to box me in etc, and all these replys saying why was he doing this and that makes no odds because he was on a public road with a dog and a torch end off a position i find myself in most nights of the week.


hope it turns out right for ya :thumbs:

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you should have told the keepers to f**k off they could'nt have held you there against your will, i had one try it a few years back i just laughted and carried on walking, it takes the police so long to do anything you would have been long gone.

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I wouldn't even go with your own solicitor he would say don't go without him cos he is going to charge you £'s. When you get to the police station and they read you your rites ask for the duty solicitor you get it for free. They cannot do f all to you anyway cos your inocent so be auckward back and let the system pay for your brief.

Edited by terryfox
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