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This maybe off help to you mate, a few years ago my mate who was out stalking on permission he had for a few years jumped into his jeep at the road and just as he was pulling out from the gateway of the field 2 men in cammo gear jumped out from their car blocked him in and held him for 50 minutes until the gardi [POLICE] arrived,

The men said that my friend was stalking on there permission and therefore poaching, my friend produced all his details copy of his permission and phone no. of the farmer who owned the land, the garda told the men to move their car, and let my friend be on his way....

My mate then said hold on a minute, And wanted to press charges, the garda said for what and my mate said unlawful obstruction......

After explaining what happened the garda gave the 2 men a caution and said their firearms licence would be revoked if they held anyone againest their will again.......... ;)


good luck

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  Kay said:
  fazza123 said:
Yes you are right comanche the keeper told me to except a caution and id lose my lamp but id get more in fines if i didnt but ive done nothing wrong im not accepting anything! He did block me in and said he leather me if i got lippy with him and i know cos hes done it before!


Thats interesting, so the keepers already knew once the police arrived they would automatically take your lamp, no wonder you stayed put being given the threat of a leathering


In making threats like that the keeper was committing battery (could be assault, can't remember which). You don't have to even touch someone to commit this. Just making threats can lead to a charge.


I can't understand why the police didn't carry out their duty and arrest him.


Me I'd have gone straight down to the station demanding to speak to a senior officer to lodge a complaint against them.

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  fazza123 said:
Yes you are right comanche the keeper told me to except a caution and id lose my lamp but id get more in fines if i didnt but ive done nothing wrong im not accepting anything! He did block me in and said he leather me if i got lippy with him and i know cos hes done it before!


mate it sounds like the keeper needs a leathering,tell yea what if i was caught red handed i would put my hands up,but if you hav,nt done anything wrong and didnt have any

thing on you and on a public road,get in to the police station with yer lawyer and speak to a sargent not a pc.

sounds like this keeper thinks he,s alaw in his own hands.

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Guest rexdigger

forget the lamp put it down to experience DONT accept a caution under no circumstances as thats an admission of guilt dont bother going down the nick if theyre that bothered about it they will come to you which i doubt they will and as for the keepers i would go and wipe the woods out of theyre money ;) ;) hit them where it hurts :angel:

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In making threats like that the keeper was committing battery (could be assault, can't remember which). You don't have to even touch someone to commit this. Just making threats can lead to a charge.


I can't understand why the police didn't carry out their duty and arrest him. Quote


It is assault, but how can you prove what the keepers said, thats the problem. Without proof its your word against theres.

The only thing the police can go on is that they phoned them and you had a lamp , dog and you were on land that you had no permission to be on.

Thats probably why no action was taken against the keeper

Edited by alexewers
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  alexewers said:
  fazza123 said:
Ha lurchergrrl !!! Sounds like you had an interesting night,but like you say i was in a similar situation and find myself on lumber!!!

I see what your saying alex but ive been kept at will,theatened with violence and lost my lamp all may be well soon but not at the mo!

and driving round feeding birds isnt my idea of a hard job but each to there own!


It's not all about driving around feeding birds it is a very difficult job with extremely long hours and for little money, but if you are in the right then dont accept a caution as has been said, and like comanche said his dogs can piss in the dark and so can mine on command without the use of a lamp



i dont care how hard it is (and i know as i was an underkeeper when i was younger), it dosent give them the right to act like the police on a public road. i would be making a counter charge of intimidating behaviour against them.


its totally irrelevant whether your dog can piss in the dark or even while doing a hand stand, it dosent make carrying a lamp and owning a lurcher illegal. The more we act like we are in the wrong the more your average man in the street will believe it!


Anyway, rant over, good luck mate!

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  alexewers said:
In making threats like that the keeper was committing battery (could be assault, can't remember which). You don't have to even touch someone to commit this. Just making threats can lead to a charge.


I can't understand why the police didn't carry out their duty and arrest him. Quote


It is assault, but how can you prove what the keepers said, thats the problem. Without proof its your word against theres.

The only thing the police can go on is that they phoned them and you had a lamp , dog and you were on land that you had no permission to be on.

Thats probably why no action was taken against the keeper


In the first post it sayes he was walking on a tarmac public road at 10pm

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  alexewers said:
In making threats like that the keeper was committing battery (could be assault, can't remember which). You don't have to even touch someone to commit this. Just making threats can lead to a charge.


I can't understand why the police didn't carry out their duty and arrest him. Quote


It is assault, but how can you prove what the keepers said, thats the problem. Without proof its your word against theres.

The only thing the police can go on is that they phoned them and you had a lamp , dog and you were on land that you had no permission to be on.

Thats probably why no action was taken against the keeper



if the keeper is trying to press charges against you and you press a counter charge against him then usually the old bill just let it drop as its too much work to investigate. At the end of the day you cant prove he threatened you but he cant prove anything either?

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  Tyla said:
  alexewers said:
  fazza123 said:
Ha lurchergrrl !!! Sounds like you had an interesting night,but like you say i was in a similar situation and find myself on lumber!!!

I see what your saying alex but ive been kept at will,theatened with violence and lost my lamp all may be well soon but not at the mo!

and driving round feeding birds isnt my idea of a hard job but each to there own!


It's not all about driving around feeding birds it is a very difficult job with extremely long hours and for little money, but if you are in the right then dont accept a caution as has been said, and like comanche said his dogs can piss in the dark and so can mine on command without the use of a lamp



i dont care how hard it is (and i know as i was an underkeeper when i was younger), it dosent give them the right to act like the police on a public road. i would be making a counter charge of intimidating behaviour against them.


its totally irrelevant whether your dog can piss in the dark or even while doing a hand stand, it dosent make carrying a lamp and owning a lurcher illegal. The more we act like we are in the wrong the more your average man in the street will believe it!


Anyway, rant over, good luck mate!



I totally agree , i was puzzled why they made him wait for the police, seemingly the threat of a leathering was why he didnt just carry on his way , i get really annoyed when people are treated this way , well isnt ''accepting'' what we do over here.

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  Kay said:
  Tyla said:
  alexewers said:
  fazza123 said:
Ha lurchergrrl !!! Sounds like you had an interesting night,but like you say i was in a similar situation and find myself on lumber!!!

I see what your saying alex but ive been kept at will,theatened with violence and lost my lamp all may be well soon but not at the mo!

and driving round feeding birds isnt my idea of a hard job but each to there own!


It's not all about driving around feeding birds it is a very difficult job with extremely long hours and for little money, but if you are in the right then dont accept a caution as has been said, and like comanche said his dogs can piss in the dark and so can mine on command without the use of a lamp



i dont care how hard it is (and i know as i was an underkeeper when i was younger), it dosent give them the right to act like the police on a public road. i would be making a counter charge of intimidating behaviour against them.


its totally irrelevant whether your dog can piss in the dark or even while doing a hand stand, it dosent make carrying a lamp and owning a lurcher illegal. The more we act like we are in the wrong the more your average man in the street will believe it!


Anyway, rant over, good luck mate!



I totally agree , i was puzzled why they made him wait for the police, seemingly the threat of a leathering was why he didnt just carry on his way , i get really annoyed when people are treated this way , well isnt ''accepting'' what we do over here.



It’s disgusting what has happened to you, I would correspond only through letters to the police, demand my property back, and make a complaint of assault against the keepers.

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  Kay said:
In the first post it sayes he was walking on a tarmac public road at 10pm


Ok if we arev going to go through the whole thing it does say he was on a public road at ten pm but he also states that he had been at a friends house for what ever reason then he must of gone home in his van and on his way home he pulled over to let his dog have a wee. well my dogs can go on a car journey without needing a wee anyway supposing the dog was desperate hence the need to pull over ok it wont have taken ten mins and the use of a lamp especially if the dog was on the lead so some thing just does'nt sound quite right and remember there is always two sides to a agument i will leave it up to every one to draw there own conclusions

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  alexewers said:
  Kay said:
In the first post it sayes he was walking on a tarmac public road at 10pm


Ok if we arev going to go through the whole thing it does say he was on a public road at ten pm but he also states that he had been at a friends house for what ever reason then he must of gone home in his van and on his way home he pulled over to let his dog have a wee. well my dogs can go on a car journey without needing a wee anyway supposing the dog was desperate hence the need to pull over ok it wont have taken ten mins and the use of a lamp especially if the dog was on the lead so some thing just does'nt sound quite right and remember there is always two sides to a agument i will leave it up to every one to draw there own conclusions

its not rocket science to work it out is it

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  alexewers said:
  Kay said:
In the first post it sayes he was walking on a tarmac public road at 10pm


Ok if we arev going to go through the whole thing it does say he was on a public road at ten pm but he also states that he had been at a friends house for what ever reason then he must of gone home in his van and on his way home he pulled over to let his dog have a wee. well my dogs can go on a car journey without needing a wee anyway supposing the dog was desperate hence the need to pull over ok it wont have taken ten mins and the use of a lamp especially if the dog was on the lead so some thing just does'nt sound quite right and remember there is always two sides to a agument i will leave it up to every one to draw there own conclusions


maybe he got home & then got the dogs & walked them :laugh: grabbed the lamp as i do myself when out after dark with the dogs



Apart from anything else why just take the lamp why not the dogs as well if they seriously suspected he had been poaching

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  Kay said:
  alexewers said:
  Kay said:
In the first post it sayes he was walking on a tarmac public road at 10pm


Ok if we arev going to go through the whole thing it does say he was on a public road at ten pm but he also states that he had been at a friends house for what ever reason then he must of gone home in his van and on his way home he pulled over to let his dog have a wee. well my dogs can go on a car journey without needing a wee anyway supposing the dog was desperate hence the need to pull over ok it wont have taken ten mins and the use of a lamp especially if the dog was on the lead so some thing just does'nt sound quite right and remember there is always two sides to a agument i will leave it up to every one to draw there own conclusions


maybe he got home & then got the dogs & walked them :laugh: grabbed the lamp as i do myself when out after dark with the dogs



Apart from anything else why just take the lamp why not the dogs as well if they seriously suspected he had been poaching

Don’t see it matters what he was doing unless it was unlawful???????????

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