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Great Old Saying's.....

Guest Mass_G3nocide

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;) Twi,ll be a grand fire when it lights, said the fox as he pissed on the stone, :big_boss: my father used to say this, i have,nt a clue what it means :blink:


Mum had a similar one about rubbing two bits of rhubarb together to make fire . I think it means ,"it'll never happen".

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Another of Mums' sayings .

If she saw someone who was a little ,er ,overweight or had a large bottom she'd mutter.


"Butter will be cheap when grass grows there".


Took me years to work it out :icon_redface:


Big person covered in lots of grass thus supporting a large herd of cows =high milk yield=drop in dairy prices = cheap butter ,phew.

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