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FAO Ritchie, Stubby etc

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Evening gents, just a quicky to say i had the certificate come through the door this morning, so i guess i passed.

As you all said it was good fun, Adrian Meyer asked me to give the mole trapping demo which was a bit of a buzz, he knew some how that i have had a dabble in the dark art.


All the best,


MT RSPH/BPCA Licenced to kill. :ninja:=@:gunsmilie:

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Thanks chaps, been trying to decide what to do next, probably going to do some A levels, i left school with three cse,s all about 5 which basically you got for turning up, has always annoyed me because i knew i could have achieved a great deal more but was to "countryfied" to be bothered with learning what i considered useless stuff. :icon_redface:


Anyway, cheers again. J

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John it is not possible to charge anymore than i do already. :whistling:



Badgerboy they stand for Royal society promotion of health and British pest control association, it is the standard industry minimum level acceptable for carrying out pest control, so basically a piece of paper that confirms we have re learnt what we already knew.

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