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rain stopped play


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had invited richie,ferreter216 and joed to a new permission of mine, but had woken throughout the night to pouring rain and high winds, a few telephone calls later proved everyone was still up for it, so we met up around 9am, by this time the rain had ceased and it looked a nice wintery day, the landowners made us coffee, then we had a wander around the place checking out the warrens, two straight boundary hedges about 100yds each and ideal longnetting, we netted up the first, and then it started....the rain was back :angry:


we stuck 6 ferts down, and had 3 bolters that we caught, approx 4 ran the length, and as we had'ent put stop nets in, made there escape, plus definatly had a few kills underground by richies "ted", but with the weather the way it was, we were in no mood for digging, we had a quick break of jaffa cakes from richie, then netted up the 2nd boundary, again quite a few kills underground, but only one bolter, at this point the nieghbouring farmer show'd his face, and after a quite chat, said he was quite happy for us to be on his land that the boundary divided, gave us his number for future visits, just to let him know we are there,


niether myself or richie took any pictures, it was just too wet to contemplate getting the cameras out, but even though it rained, it was good to be out, lovely area of land, and in good company,


thanks guys,

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Guest mickyrichardson

Nice one STUBBY good to no i wasn't the only one daft enough to be out in this rain, where i was it never let up at all put a downer on the day to be honest only produced a few rabbits but what the hell good days and bad days ATB MICKY :thumbs:

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thanks again for the invite steve nice to see joe again and of course

richie with his bird nest :thumbs: lol i can feel my toes again now.

nice bit of land in good company no weather can stop us now.

all in all a good day not the biggest bag but its the getting out and trying that counts.

well done everyone until next time.

only got one pic steve in a tangle :thumbs:


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good to get out just to show willing to the landowner,is your mate tarmacing or ferreting ? :clapper:


that'll teach joeD to come out without appropiate clothing, was lucky I had the works van, and lent him my work jacket, otherwised he would have frozen to death

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Guest alastair
good to get out just to show willing to the landowner,is your mate tarmacing or ferreting ? :clapper:


that'll teach joeD to come out without appropiate clothing, was lucky I had the works van, and lent him my work jacket, otherwised he would have frozen to death


lol,at least all had a good day thats what its all about.

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