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As many of the regulars will probably be aware, I haven't been around much because of limited computer access.


The first chance I get to log in and I find some tit spouting off about shooting foxes with air rifles.


The last time we had this discussion I invited our members to make a case for air rifles and fox control, over more suitable rim fires and centre fire rifles.


No one could. They are not suitable for this kind of pest control.


However, and in the spirit of fairness, I accept that our recent contributors weren't around when this kicked off and certainly won't have waded through the forum to look to for it.


So this brings me to the recent multi page topic on so called fox control...


I'm going to type it all in CAPS, in BOLD, and in BLUE








We are here to promote hunting. We are here to share stories about humane, legal, sporting/pest control activities. Anything which doesn't fit in with this will be removed. What you do in your private life is your business. What makes it's way to this forum becomes my business and that of the other moderators. We're here to champion hunting and we will remove anything that damages The Hunting Life or hunting in general.


At the risk of sounding like a broken record, air rifles and airgunning are under constant scrutiny. We've been unfortunate enough to be the recipients of several law changes in recent years. Our opponents are constantly looking for reasons to restrict airgunning, even further, and they trawl this forum looking for information that can support their cause. You are handing them this information on a plate and giving them a warped perspective on what airgunning is about.


Basically. You are making us look like wankers.


Stop it.

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End of the day they can't be that serious and knowedgable a hunter to be trying to take fox with airguns.

Well said and i agree with the fact that airguning is under constant scrutiny from goverments ect and people publicaly discussing these topics can only make it worse. Its no secret people moniter these sites.


Paddy :big_boss:

Edited by paddy.t
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well to be honest Chris, I never post anything about hunting any more for this reason. Stuff like that draws folk like a magnet for the wrong reasons and it's then the "oneupmanship" garbage kicks in.


Myself I think half the clowns who post about their so called "kills" with an air rifle on here wouldn't know the difference between a Charlie or a feckin red Chow :drink:

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Hi. I'm glad to read this. I posted a reply to the thead saying I hoped no 'antis' were reading this as it is this sort of stupid talk that gives them more ammo to take away the sport we love. I understand it must be hard for you guys who run this forum to check every single chat, but I'm glad you've jumped on this. Let these wankers talk rubbish to their equaly thick mates. The rest of us do not need this. Cheers.

Edited by andyfr1968
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Well said Chris :clapper: I do hope that the RETARDS who have been guilty of this kind of posting and thread making TAKE NOTE OF WHAT YOU'VE SAID!!!!


Like you've pointed out, it don't take much for the tree hugging antis to use anything against out sport to serve their purposes....

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Thanks for your support guys.


It genuinely pleases me to see and read your posts on this thread.


I'm usually pretty thorough with the moderating but a few weeks ago my laptop packed in and with the run up to Christmas I'm not exactly flush enough to buy another... that means I'm on limited access via a borrowed computer. That means shit like this can slip through as I'm not here as often as usual.


As anyone will know, who's had dealings with me in the past. I'm pretty fair when it comes to moderating and I answer every PM except death threats. Those we laugh about in a private forum. :D


I ask anyone who wishes to see an end to these kind of topics to report any post that looks as though it could damage us.


Please. Use the REPORT! button that comes on every post. This will alert the next moderator, that logs into the forum, to come directly to the post for further scrutiny. Even if you think it's borderline we'd rather be aware of it before it hits the 100 reply threshold and when our opponents are creaming themselves cutting and pasting the contents of their next activists meetings. I have asked John to keep an eye on the place, while I'm absent, but you can see how many posts go up and how few of us there are [mods] to read them. You'd be doing us a massive favour.


Seriously. This sort of shit is the stuff that ends up on the desk of MP's, handed to them by any activist with an agenda.




Help us to keep this place on the right side of the tracks.


Thanks guys. I can't do it without you. ;)

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