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terriers coat

Guest jrt

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Dawns right there but there's a gadget that you can use that'll get it looking a bit more uniform.Its basically a stripping comb but if you use it like a normal comb rather than the way you'd strip the coat..

This is the blue one and they do one in red for finer coats.. I do my Patterdale with the blue


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to clip it once should not do too much damage..it feels bad because by clipping you have exposed the under coat of which is softer..if he had a hard coat before you can get it back it will take a few sessions of hand stripping but ..where it becomes hard is diferentiateing between top coat and under coat..dont expect a miracle on first strip but it will probably only take two or three times ..it will come back with time and persevernce

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There is a chance that his coat may not re-grow harsh...but having said this my friend who is also a groomer used to clip her Miniture Schnauzer (for about 4years) and thought she would see if the coat would return harsh.....which it did not fully but more or less but this took nearly a year and a half with only light trimming until it was stripppable....as you have only clipped him the once you may be lucky if he is entire as well that could go in your favour as castrating/spaying a dog/bitch 95% of the time softens the coat and gives it a fluffy texture.....


Just a waiting game at the moment...how long ago did you clip him? you will need to give him at least 6months of growth before trying anything...this is the recommended ime between each handstrip in general.....


The stripping knife that Kat has recommended is a really good tool to have for the job...Blue one for the body and Red one for the head possibly legs and feet to...well thats how we were taught...

You could also start off with a stripping stone as no real force is needed just run it along your dogs coat with the growth of the hair but it does leave bits in the cot so best to do it before a bath..lol


Hope this has helped

Atb Miss T x

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my advice is to never bath a harsh coat unless really necessary..once you can see the difference between the under coat and top coat start stripping ..little and often..do not leave it too long as both coats will now be growing at the same rate..it is texture now that will tell you the difference..there is not many mistakes that you cant correct over time..alll in all if his coat was good to start with oyu will get it back

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Just a waiting game at the moment...how long ago did you clip him? you will need to give him at least 6months of growth before trying anything...this is the recommended ime between each handstrip in general.....



Hope this has helped

Atb Miss T x


Not to sure .. maybe ata guess 5-6 weeks ago give or take, when i stripp him it grows back quite quick, ive noticed since clippin him that its taken ages just to get a little nbit of length back to it.


If you dont mind me asking wha clippers and blade did you use?



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sorry, but why does a dogs coat matter?


does a harsh coat make a batter worker? NO.


My advice would be forget about coat unless you want to win ribbond, and if you do and your jrt is off a soft coat due to clipping, then simply cover him with talc for a few weeks and his coat will toughen up.


dont worry about your dogs coat, more so about your dogs performance, i doubt your dog knows whether he/she has a short or long coat B):rolleyes:;););) really nce, i

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Just a waiting game at the moment...how long ago did you clip him? you will need to give him at least 6months of growth before trying anything...this is the recommended ime between each handstrip in general.....



Hope this has helped

Atb Miss T x


Not to sure .. maybe ata guess 5-6 weeks ago give or take, when i stripp him it grows back quite quick, ive noticed since clippin him that its taken ages just to get a little nbit of length back to it.


If you dont mind me asking wha clippers and blade did you use?




no named ones i lent from a mate. job was nice when it was first done, but after taken ages growing back and the texture was bad



I was just wondering if the were a particular make with a seperate blade to attatch of different lengths eg.a 4F, 5F or a 7F or if they were pet grooming ones generally made by a company called Whal...and although theres nothing wrong with these they should be used with a comb attachemen and not bare blade as the length it takes the coat to can be the equivelent of a surgical blade......which could explain why there has been so little growth in 5-6weeks....


I hope that this has helped a little bit...


Atb Miss T x

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Been stripping my russell since we got him two years ago, one day i was lazy and clipped him for the first time.. looked half decent when it was first done, its taken ages to grow back now and the texture has turned to shit! i regret picken them clippers up now!!!! never again!!


how do i sort it out fellas? should i wait until it grows out6-7 months them strip or wait until i can get a grip of it and strip

obviously your terrier must be chasing rosettes and not foxes or it would need all the coat it had at this time of the year

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