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See you all next season

Guest Dillon

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WHy not give the qaurry the respect you give your dogs??Why hunt summer hares, or are your dogs not capable of catching winter hares and you can only give them the respect in the summer because they lack in the winter.

I hate c**ts that hunt anything in the summer, whats the point unless you have to do it and being honest how many people have to, not alot i would say.


I dont know why i bother because its a never ending saga, there will always be idiots who see no harm in hunting throughj the summer, they remind me of the lads who go out and kill things just to leave them lieing were theyve taken them, whats the f****n point???

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before the *** was it illegel 2 run hares all year round NO only sell them fair enough dont lamp summer hares think about the imo thousands ov hares the fen lads leave another thing there are more than enough hares around where i hunt to run the odd day time summer hare the way sum people posted then to me was as if to wipe them out whitch would not happen running the odd summer hare.... ps they still taste the same and cum out the dogs arse the same......

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there used 2 be more than enuf by myself til ppl started killin pregnant hares. now it feels like ive won the lottery if i see 1.imo if any animal has survived huntin season its earned the right 2 breed not get splatted by some bored c**t who's got nofin better 2 do with his summer mnths :no:

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Guest baldie
before the *** was it illegel 2 run hares all year round NO only sell them fair enough dont lamp summer hares think about the imo thousands ov hares the fen lads leave another thing there are more than enough hares around where i hunt to run the odd day time summer hare the way sum people posted then to me was as if to wipe them out whitch would not happen running the odd summer hare.... ps they still taste the same and cum out the dogs arse the same......


I well remember the first hare my old bitch took, completely by accident, she kicked it up and caught it before i could stop her, it was mid march a few years a go. I took the unharmed doe off her, and was about to release it into the bushes, when the bloody terrier came from nowhere, and buckled it. It was pregnant, so myself and the dogs had it in a stew, that night, bugger me, was we ill, i was shiting for england, and the dogs re decorated the porch :sick: Hunting pregnant animals purposely isnt on .

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Guest diesel
Maybe its because i have give up the smoking, not sure, but I seem to be losing my temper far too easy. :realmad:


I'm gonna f**k off for the summer and come back on in the winter when there isn't so much bollox and bullshit being talked, I can see what its turning into, its gonna be even worse when the schools are on holiday. :whistle: :rolleyes:


There seems to be more people going out now killing cubs and pregnant foxes than the whole of last season.

they just don't get it do they. ITS THE END OF THE SEASON YOU BELLENDS :angry:


If you have to because farmers and keepers want you too then do, I genuuinely dont have a problem, It simply has to be done, I do it myself if I have to, but come on lads not just for the craic, there are always going to be knobs doing it and thats partly the reason why they get f**k all in winter because they kill all their sport.


There are plenty of good lads on here, but twenty times as many idiots.

To all the genuine boys, You know who you are, The North east crew, the welsh boys ( North and South), the Irish contingency and the Best of British (including the white rose muppets :D;) ) good luck to ya, to all the kids and knobs you need to f*****g grow up, and to the two pricks that PM'd me I wont mention who you are but if you see me at a show or anything through the summer come and say the same if you have the bottle and we can have a little chat ;) .


Thats me done,


well dillion you certainly said what most genuine lads are thinking.. lads think there top digging men when there getting a few vixens and cubs, but they forget to tell you they only had one or two foxes through the season!!!! i stopped going out proply a few weeks ago.. but im a not saying i havent been out since.. but the times i have been out have been because i have been invited out with men who are simply going for the keepers sake!!! for fck sake lads give youre vixens chance!! at the end of the day theyll be there next season!!! :realmad:


redminshaw i think your missing the piont... u dont think "ill run pregnant hares because theres plenty" you are in my eyes been bang out of order if you perposely slip on hare through the summer.. they are no test for a real dog!!! and real dog man!!!



come on lads respect your quarry!!! ! :good:


regards diesel

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Ive also had to deal with litters of cubs in the past.......couldnt take anything away from the terriers because they would find every last cub in the place.......during these pest controling tasks the usual banter craic would not be there......the task was a necessaty but not an enjoyable one it was a relief to get it done as quickly and profesionaly as possable.I might have to do it again i dont look forward to it and we definatly dont leave cubs to starve.......give me an early January adult fox dog or vixen anytime........but then January is probably to cold for some of these pricks that hunt cubs to be getting out of bed for.

I find summertime hunting frustrating amateurish and distastefull sometimes pests have to be accounted for but to kill young animals is a bit of a c**ts trick.

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why would anyone want to run there dog in the summer any way, the ground is baked and far to hard to run on and the heat is far to high to be running a dog in :no: atleast have a bit of respect for your dog even if you dont give a shit about the quarry :realmad:

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Guest Geordie

Got to say ,the site is full of argumentative shoite at the moment,might just kick back and enjoy the summer myself :good: im getting sick of reading shit on here :rolleyes:


Will be in and out for a look,but i reckon i got better stuff to do than read the drivel posted by some on here :blink:


Enjoy the summer lads and lasses,might see a few of you's at some shows :tongue2:

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