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True pikey lurcher?

Guest Mass_G3nocide

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There seems to be a lot of confusion about Travellers and Gypsies with British people. You's seem to refer to them as the one race, like someone said they originate in Asia and have darker skin etc. Thats Romany Gypsies, NOT Irish Travellers.




GYPSY - Someone of the travelling race originating in Romania


TRAVELLER/TINKER- Someone of the travelling race originating in Ireland. No link to the Romanies.



The two races are similar in that they tend to cause trouble and squat in public and private places. They also used the old caravans and ponies.


Since the 2 races went to Britain, no wonder there is confusion. Romany Gypsies are only a recent arrival in Ireland.



I heard that Travellers are decendants of people who were thrown onto the street by some king long ago (I'll have to ask my dad again). They became peasants and formed their own society and only bred amongst themselves because they were sort of outcasts. Hence the quite small gene pool (for true, pure travellers), tradition of inbreeding, and travelling (since being thrown out of their homes).

I don't know how much truth there is in this, but it seems the most likely story of all I've heard.

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  Back Stabbath said:
There seems to be a lot of confusion about Travellers and Gypsies with British people. You's seem to refer to them as the one race, like someone said they originate in Asia and have darker skin etc. Thats Romany Gypsies, NOT Irish Travellers.




GYPSY - Someone of the travelling race originating in Romania


TRAVELLER/TINKER- Someone of the travelling race originating in Ireland. No link to the Romanies.



The two races are similar in that they tend to cause trouble and squat in public and private places. They also used the old caravans and ponies.


Since the 2 races went to Britain, no wonder there is confusion. Romany Gypsies are only a recent arrival in Ireland.



I heard that Travellers are decendants of people who were thrown onto the street by some king long ago (I'll have to ask my dad again). They became peasants and formed their own society and only bred amongst themselves because they were sort of outcasts. Hence the quite small gene pool (for true, pure travellers), tradition of inbreeding, and travelling (since being thrown out of their homes).

I don't know how much truth there is in this, but it seems the most likely story of all I've heard.

thats not quite write. travellers arnet just tinkers. there all gypsies to gorgers like you. they are known to there own kind and people who are excepted by them as travelers. tinkers or paddies as there foundlie known will mix to an extent. there are some decent irish lads out there who i know but the majority [bANNED TEXT] there shaved up the side bushy big heads want shipping back where ever they came from. as they ant got the brains to bred or run on there own dogs so thell chaw someone elses be it a gorger or even off an english site they can be brazing poxy people. but as i say there are some decent irishmen about just not mennie.
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  brookie said:
for what its worth ive been involved in running dogs for over forty years and the best dogs ive ever seen have been travellers dogs and the best dogmen ive ever known have been travellers. some of the finest dogs running in the country today are traveller owned all this shit talk about p***y this p***y that by idiots when ever a dog is stolen its travellers half the dogs put up stolen a traveller wouldnt have if he was given money to take it.

travellers have bred some of the finest dogs in the country consistantly for the best part of the last half century up until modern day i know of one man who this year sold two dogs for nearly twenty thousand pounds dogs he reared himself and trained himself like baldocks said theres to many women and tarty show people involved in lurchers today

there i was agreeing with everything you said and thinking what a breath of fresh air it was to hear someone talk sensibly for once and then I get to the bit about women and tarty show people....what on earth...

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Guest Mass_G3nocide
  BenBhoy said:
just that 'p***y' isn't a great term mate. i come from travelling family, dont really appreciate being called that.




There is a difference between p***y's and Gypsies and just straight travellers if you get offended by it your the one with issues.

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  baldockbanks courser said:
  Back Stabbath said:
There seems to be a lot of confusion about Travellers and Gypsies with British people. You's seem to refer to them as the one race, like someone said they originate in Asia and have darker skin etc. Thats Romany Gypsies, NOT Irish Travellers.




GYPSY - Someone of the travelling race originating in Romania


TRAVELLER/TINKER- Someone of the travelling race originating in Ireland. No link to the Romanies.



The two races are similar in that they tend to cause trouble and squat in public and private places. They also used the old caravans and ponies.


Since the 2 races went to Britain, no wonder there is confusion. Romany Gypsies are only a recent arrival in Ireland.



I heard that Travellers are decendants of people who were thrown onto the street by some king long ago (I'll have to ask my dad again). They became peasants and formed their own society and only bred amongst themselves because they were sort of outcasts. Hence the quite small gene pool (for true, pure travellers), tradition of inbreeding, and travelling (since being thrown out of their homes).

I don't know how much truth there is in this, but it seems the most likely story of all I've heard.

thats not quite write. travellers arnet just tinkers. there all gypsies to gorgers like you. they are known to there own kind and people who are excepted by them as travelers. tinkers or paddies as there foundlie known will mix to an extent. there are some decent irish lads out there who i know but the majority [bANNED TEXT] there shaved up the side bushy big heads want shipping back where ever they came from. as they ant got the brains to bred or run on there own dogs so thell chaw someone elses be it a gorger or even off an english site they can be brazing poxy people. but as i say there are some decent irishmen about just not mennie.



There are lots of decent Irishmen around, I know that I'm Irish!!

(please differentiate between Travellers and normal Irish people in yer post)


Whats a gorger and why are you calling me one???

I find your post very difficult to understand.


I know lots of Travellers/Tinkers, whatever you wanna call them, I think they prefer Traveller nowadays. Some you can get on with, but still not really 'hang out' with. A lot of em smell and I don't know why that is. I'm not being racist, its the truth, I went to primary school with a bunch of em.



But anyway!! About the dogs...


As far as I know, Travellers keep the same kinds of lurchers as any other person in their area. They don't put as much care into their dogs. (I can only speak of what I've seen)

Often they are cruel to their animals. I don't care whats said back to that because even the 'decent' Travellers don't believe in neutering their dogs. A poor oul bitch in my estate had at least 5 litters in her short years, from any dog she met, they werent planned breedings. I've seen dogs starving at halting sites, and there was a little sh*t kicking a pup in the travellers yard up at my nannys recently. In the same yard, a teen was showing his friend his pony, then hit the pony in the face for some reason.

That said, there are some Travellers that keep their horses well. Usually the "lower potency" Travellers, which are much harder to distinguish from the average settled person.

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a gorger is a propper gorger ,a non traveling person a none traverller,a none gypsy , there is gorgers and then there is travellers ,gypsy

the word p***y is a word that u gorgers made up , guv to us travelling , gypsy folk,were r a tru race , in the uk before most off any other race ,but because off who we r ,and the bad name u gorgers giv us , im a traveller gypsy and proud , iv had my dogs chored off me , there r good n bad on both sides sumone said we smell its tru lol ,but l can show u double the amount off smelly gorger bred ippercrits , come into our homes ,then see how we live ,see if we smell ,cant beat a good ole gypsy fire big ole cooking pot on it with a good meat pudding and bacon pudding in it a couple hedgehogs rapped up in clay waiting to go on ,

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Guest Countryboyo
  martini said:
a gorger is a propper gorger ,a non traveling person a none traverller,a none gypsy , there is gorgers and then there is travellers ,gypsy

the word p***y is a word that u gorgers made up , guv to us travelling , gypsy folk,were r a tru race , in the uk before most off any other race ,but because off who we r ,and the bad name u gorgers giv us , im a traveller gypsy and proud , iv had my dogs chored off me , there r good n bad on both sides sumone said we smell its tru lol ,but l can show u double the amount off smelly gorger bred ippercrits , come into our homes ,then see how we live ,see if we smell ,cant beat a good ole gypsy fire big ole cooking pot on it with a good meat pudding and bacon pudding in it a couple hedgehogs rapped up in clay waiting to go on ,


And do ye marry yere cousins like the irish travellers. does anyone know the real reason travellers practice incestous marrage? is it to keep the money in the family or to keep the fighting genes????? there are a few different theorys. A travellers answer would be great. I always wanted to know

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for the fighting genes ,look at the schoolboys champianships ,all travellers,gypsys,and irish travellers,theres bo incest in our families ,how many nonses or perferts amoungs our community they are all gorger bred

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  martini said:
for the fighting genes ,look at the schoolboys champianships ,all travellers,gypsys,and irish travellers,theres bo incest in our families ,how many nonses or perferts amoungs our community they are all gorger bred
i know im not tight inbreed and both my brothers are scholl boy champions and iv had 70 fights mostlie as a senior and was the last man evere to box frankie gavin so where a real boxing familie . thats a bit strong about perverts being only gorgers. to be truefull howd you know theres no needies who are? there a few travellingfellas done for rape and thats no better theres scum in every race. dont know anyone myself who marries first cousins.
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Guest night time my time

i been on both sides of the fence, been out with meny genuin lads with some good dogs,also had me dogs chored by other travalling lads,take people as you find them,spent 20 years travalling myself,lot of good travallers about,some i wouldnt piss on if they were on fire,others id like to set on fire,that goes for some gorgers aswell,

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  night time my time said:
i been on both sides of the fence, been out with meny genuin lads with some good dogs,also had me dogs chored by other travalling lads,take people as you find them,spent 20 years travalling myself,lot of good travallers about,some i wouldnt piss on if they were on fire,others id like to set on fire,that goes for some gorgers aswell,
:clapper: spot on my man. had my dogs taken a few years back and got them back thanks to some genuine lads who id trust all day long. if any one has any info who did take the two cream n black and tan coursing bitches from royston 3 years ago a little quite word would make my day. :whistling:
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Guest Countryboyo

Very intersting the traveller traditions. Great boxers some of them. Interesting how they look so different from the settled Irish. The men have large heads and are mostly very stocky in build and have squinty narrow eyes and very large hands, they talk very fast too. Travllers where I live have the best of vans and clothes and fabulous looking women. Great figures, but i always feel they wear very small revealing clothes even in winter, but thats their own choice.

Edited by Countryboyo
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Guest Mass_G3nocide

Jail that chat and put your pesta in your putsy a real Gypsy know's what that means.


Dick eye the jook..... No jubbs on my jook i say.




There are alot of people around that pretend to be gypsies cos apparently there hard and it's meant to be cool to be a gypsy,I am not a gypsy,Traveller or whatever you want to call them.I know a few Gypsies and they are clean,And very let's say caravan proud and nice people that look after there dogs and when i came across some trouble they helped me out.Most gypsies ive met are nice people.

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