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Could this be MIXY

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Out lastnight with Paul (HUNTER69) and we got 7 rabbits between us on a new permission acquired by Paul. But 3 of them were slightly balding around one eye. There were no lumps or bumps but just looked like the rabbit had been scratching for some reason. Dont know if the picture will be very clear but i'll put it up anyway.

Does antone know what this is?

Is it o.k. to feed our ferrets with them?

And would they be o.k. for the pan?

Cheers, Liam....



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Guest Mass_G3nocide

Funny enough i caught a baby rabbit in january it since has had mixy and got over it with scarrs around his eyes from where it has been irritating him i would have killed it but my mum felt sorry for it so it survived but the silly cow let it near her other 7 pet rabbits all are dead except the wild one i found.

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you can tell when theyve had mixi no meat on there back even when they survive they are very poor no meat on them



ive had a few like it they all seemed to be riddled with fleas aswell




Thanks for the replies lads. I cant remember seeing many fleas on them. And they also seemed pretty plump and the three i have skinned seemed to have abit meat on( hope i find out if they o.k. to eat pretty soon as me grandad is having one for he's tea tomoorow :sick: ) Cheers, Liam..

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you can tell when theyve had mixi no meat on there back even when they survive they are very poor no meat on them



ive had a few like it they all seemed to be riddled with fleas aswell




Thanks for the replies lads. I cant remember seeing many fleas on them. And they also seemed pretty plump and the three i have skinned seemed to have abit meat on( hope i find out if they o.k. to eat pretty soon as me grandad is having one for he's tea tomoorow :sick: ) Cheers, Liam..

When they have got to that point Liam, they are over the disease, and have put weight back on. It should be fine for your gramps to eat. :thumbs:

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you can tell when theyve had mixi no meat on there back even when they survive they are very poor no meat on them



ive had a few like it they all seemed to be riddled with fleas aswell




Thanks for the replies lads. I cant remember seeing many fleas on them. And they also seemed pretty plump and the three i have skinned seemed to have abit meat on( hope i find out if they o.k. to eat pretty soon as me grandad is having one for he's tea tomoorow :sick: ) Cheers, Liam..


If your grandads ok on Friday, then you should have rabbit casserole on Satarday. :)

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When they have got to that point Liam, they are over the disease, and have put weight back on. It should be fine for your gramps to eat. :thumbs:



If your grandads ok on Friday, then you should have rabbit casserole on Satarday. :)


Thanks for the peice of mind lads, i will be able to sleep now nowing this. Think i will see how he gets on before i have any :hmm: .

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