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foxing last sundaynight

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Guest JohnGalway

Look forward to seeing the picture :)


Are you not allowed to use lights to shoot at night? I know in either Norway or Sweden (I forget which) they're not allowed to use lamps for night shooting.


I'm sure in Iceland though there are certain times of the year it never really gets dark so that much be of help!


Iceland has always been a place I want to visit one day :yes:

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  articfoxhunter said:
Hello, Im a new member here at this board and wanted to show you what I shot last sunday.

We hunt then over bait and wait in cabins or old houses.

This is a she fox and is the secend of to I got that night.


Sorry guy´s had some trobble getting the pic over the see :icon_redface:post-21292-1228928347.jpg


We can use light to light up the bait but not on the gun.

we use the moonlight, it can be very bright in the snow.

Edited by articfoxhunter
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