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Borzoi lurchers

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Thats a wonderful picture collie/grey,really made me smile.All your dogs look happy which is the main thing,i understand why youve got one outside if he is aggresive to the others otherwise you would have a blood bath on your hands ,but dont be put off by people on here ive been there done that and women arent allowed an opinion even if they do as much hunting or training with their dogs as any man LOL.Ive heard about their hunting LOL



Thankyou. Yes my dogs are happy and healthy. Im not going to be put off by anyone on here. What i do is my business. I don't care what anyone else thinks of me or my dogs and i don't give a damn if someone else's dog has run loads in his last 2 seasons, im proud of my dogs and that's the way it should be.

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so how many salukis have you had? As you seem to no so much about them.


Did i say i know much about them socks? No. I know that salukis are one of the most untrainable sighthounds, but one of the most beautiful.


what are you on about i never asked you that question ... have a read again and you will see it was MUSH not me ..........

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so how many salukis have you had? As you seem to no so much about them.


Did i say i know much about them socks? No. I know that salukis are one of the most untrainable sighthounds, but one of the most beautiful.


what are you on about i never asked you that question ... have a read again and you will see it was MUSH not me ..........



sorry socks. I did mean mush.

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It seems to me people are having a go at you because, 1, the number of dogs you have, and, 2, the number of litters you produce. If your dogs are given the care and attention they deserve, and your pups are going to decent homes, I can't see what the problem is. Although I have 2 dogs and find it a full time job training and taking care of them; both kennelled outside, seperatly, by the way.


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right the whole point is 1 the modern borzoi can contribute feck all to the gene pool or lurcherdom..and 2 it is hard enough to get a good worker without having to wade through litter after litter of dogs bred from parents who work occasionally and arent tested to the hilt...

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It seems to me people are having a go at you because, 1, the number of dogs you have, and, 2, the number of litters you produce. If your dogs are given the care and attention they deserve, and your pups are going to decent homes, I can't see what the problem is. Although I have 2 dogs and find it a full time job training and taking care of them; both kennelled outside, seperatly, by the way.




Yes well you have just said it, my dogs are cared for and are all fit and healthy. Anyone who has seen my dogs will tell you that. If all my dogs were kenelled outside and bred from continuously then i would understand why people were digging at me. They are all well cared for, so are the pups well cared for and they do go to decent homes, apart from the only 2 i have had back. :)


right the whole point is 1 the modern borzoi can contribute feck all to the gene pool or lurcherdom..and 2 it is hard enough to get a good worker without having to wade through litter after litter of dogs bred from parents who work occasionally and arent tested to the hilt...



That's not the point. I didn't post to ask about breeding a lurcher to a borzoi or vise versa, nor did i ask about borzoi lurchers because i wanted one. I merely asked if anyone owned a lurcher with borzoi in it's makeup and wanted to know what they were like to work. It's not hard to find a good worker at all, a dog is what you make it.

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To me 2 litters a year isn't many, i breed because i enjoy rearing the puppies and i get to make new friends who have the same interest as me.


If your way of making friends is to breed pups then I think you need to look at your social life and maybe get out more. what happens if you breed 2 litters and have 10 pups in each litter thats 20 pups a year :blink: do you breed them every year?



New friends, they aren't my only friends and they aren't my best. Yes quite occasionally 10 pups in a litter. Every year yes, obviously not with same bitch. But as i have said what i breed and what i do is my business no one elses.

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judging by a couple of those dogs in the picture It looks like borzoi lover has gone to Hancock for most of their collie greyhound stock which says it all really. :no:


so you breed your dogs every year?


thanks for answering the question honestly thats all I needed to know. You might not class yourself alongside other breeders like hancock, poachers pocket etc but you are churning out pups every year can you show me the difference between you and these other breeders who churn out pups for the sake of it?



I don't churn out pups. I don't breed hundreds every year. I don't charge the earth for them. I don't have all my dogs in kennels, never exersized, fed crap. I will always take a pup or dog bred by me back. I don't make out that my dogs are the best dogs on earth. They are not bred for the sake of it, they are bred because people want them and when they do have them they are very pleased wuth them and forever giving praise. My pups are also taken to the vets at 6 weeks old to be health checked and micro-chipped before being homed. My pups are also reared in the home from birth till they leave me, getting every possible bit of socialisation. Oh and only 3 of my dogs are from hancock, the little merle bitch in the front picture was bred by me.

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Guest tossa
judging by a couple of those dogs in the picture It looks like borzoi lover has gone to Hancock for most of their collie greyhound stock which says it all really. :no:


so you breed your dogs every year?


thanks for answering the question honestly thats all I needed to know. You might not class yourself alongside other breeders like hancock, poachers pocket etc but you are churning out pups every year can you show me the difference between you and these other breeders who churn out pups for the sake of it?

have to agree with locke on this one :good: this amount of pups are not needed :(

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just out of interest collie/grey how much do you charge for the pups that you dont make any money off and do you keep one back for yourself as the main reason for breeding?



I charge £100 dogs £125 bitches. I kept a pup back from last year, and 2 pups from couple years back.

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I dont agree with breeding either, but all of my dogs are here because someone bred them. Why dont you lads get yourself on the classified section and start telling everyone there how out of order they are for breeding their dogs? If they are having to advertise them then they havent bred a litter to order!


Collie/grey, none of my business but answering these posts just adds fuel to their fire. If you shut up then they will go away and pick on someone else. This is all starting to get silly and nit-picky.


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Because bitches sell easier than dogs. Why don't you ask everyone else who breeds a litter, why are bitches dearer than dogs, coz most people charge more for bitches.


I dont agree with breeding either, but all of my dogs are here because someone bred them. Why dont you lads get yourself on the classified section and start telling everyone there how out of order they are for breeding their dogs? If they are having to advertise them then they havent bred a litter to order!


Collie/grey, none of my business but answering these posts just adds fuel to their fire. If you shut up then they will go away and pick on someone else. This is all starting to get silly and nit-picky.




I no i shouldn't reply, but then i will get slated for that.

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All I can say is, I'm glad they bred their last litter

as I have a cracking dog from it, that I'm more

than happy with.


I actually found it fairly hard to find a home raised

litter, of well socalised, very well cared for pups of

the breeding I required, at the time I was looking.


And know others who also have dogs from the same, and

previous litters that there very happy with.


Its certainly no puppy farm, as you would know

if you visited the family. The care and attention

to detail (full worming record, microchiped, well

socailsed ext) was second to non imho.


Anyway, nuff said, everyone is entilted to

there own opinion.

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