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The Government has announced new plans to reform the benefits culture,single mothers with children one year old

and people on incapacity benefits will be given help to get back into work.Those who do not take up job offers will have to do community work or have their benefits stopped,the aim is to change the mindset of long term benefits claimants and end the benefits culture,


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Well isnt that what the tax credit system is supposed to be doing, helping people with child care costs to enable people to go back to work ?


Or are they just going to re name whats already in place

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Probably just trying to conceal some feck up if you ask me, I heard about it the radio news and as soon as they mentioned the physio/counseling from the NHS I just wondered where this money was coming from :whistling: , strange how funds just seem to fall out of the sky when they reckon there's no dosh to be had :thumbdown:

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its another joke by this poxy goverment , the countrys i recession thousands losing there jobs every week businesses going bust left right and centre so lets reform the system so we dont have to pay out good heh . the long term unemployed lazy scrounging twat s will be having a laugh there not going to change, its only your poor old hard working bod thats going to suffer because he dont know how to play the system he ll lose his house use his savings and get fcked because hes worked all his life while johnny lowlife gets a new council house all bills paid for and a new 50 inch tv for christmas it just another tax credit fiasco theres enough poor buggers getting taken to court for that and its not there fault the system overpaid them its so complicated theve got no chance of sorting it themselves and they certainly wont get help from the goverment after all they want there money back, they got some bank managers bonus to pay

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its another joke by this poxy goverment , the countrys i recession thousands losing there jobs every week businesses going bust left right and centre so lets reform the system so we dont have to pay out good heh . the long term unemployed lazy scrounging twat s will be having a laugh there not going to change, its only your poor old hard working bod thats going to suffer because he dont know how to play the system he ll lose his house use his savings and get fcked because hes worked all his life while johnny lowlife gets a new council house all bills paid for and a new 50 inch tv for christmas it just another tax credit fiasco theres enough poor buggers getting taken to court for that and its not there fault the system overpaid them its so complicated theve got no chance of sorting it themselves and they certainly wont get help from the goverment after all they want there money back, they got some bank managers bonus to pay



i am one of the thousands who has been overpaid by this tax credit thing, it was far easier when you sent in pay slips of what you had earned for the previous 6 weeks or so, i was caught by having to estimate self employed earnings , what a joke .


I dont understand why you cant ring in every 6 months or so & tell them what you have earned from your latest pay slip if your employed rather than having to renew once a year & then getting told sorry your money being stopped as we have payed you to much because your earnings are more than was estimated


Its a joke

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its another joke by this poxy goverment , the countrys i recession thousands losing there jobs every week businesses going bust left right and centre so lets reform the system so we dont have to pay out good heh . the long term unemployed lazy scrounging twat s will be having a laugh there not going to change, its only your poor old hard working bod thats going to suffer because he dont know how to play the system he ll lose his house use his savings and get fcked because hes worked all his life while johnny lowlife gets a new council house all bills paid for and a new 50 inch tv for christmas it just another tax credit fiasco theres enough poor buggers getting taken to court for that and its not there fault the system overpaid them its so complicated theve got no chance of sorting it themselves and they certainly wont get help from the goverment after all they want there money back, they got some bank managers bonus to pay



i am one of the thousands who has been overpaid by this tax credit thing, it was far easier when you sent in pay slips of what you had earned for the previous 6 weeks or so, i was caught by having to estimate self employed earnings , what a joke .


I dont understand why you cant ring in every 6 months or so & tell them what you have earned from your latest pay slip if your employed rather than having to renew once a year & then getting told sorry your money being stopped as we have payed you to much because your earnings are more than was estimated


Its a joke


Hey Kay, you can't phone in as no fecker working in the UK answers the phone, we all have to talk to Achmed or Mohammed from feck knows where :laugh:

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Kay, i got overpaid too and refused to pay it. phoned them up and the did an income outgoing assessment over the phone. then they sent out an appeal form i filloed it in and they said ok you dont have to pay it its our fault. It took me about 18 months to get them to say that, everytime they wrote to me saying i had to pay i said no, im on tax credits for a reason and i cant afford to pay the £800 or so you are asking for. Try it, they may find that it was them at fault :victory:

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Kay, i got overpaid too and refused to pay it. phoned them up and the did an income outgoing assessment over the phone. then they sent out an appeal form i filloed it in and they said ok you dont have to pay it its our fault. It took me about 18 months to get them to say that, everytime they wrote to me saying i had to pay i said no, im on tax credits for a reason and i cant afford to pay the £800 or so you are asking for. Try it, they may find that it was them at fault :victory:


In the first place i was called by someone saying they were from customs & excize saying they wanted my bank details over the phone to set up a dd to repay money i was over paid


I thought at the time it was dodgy as would anyone else, so i rang the tax credit place up & apparently it wasnt dodgy they said i had to pay back 70 quid a week :laugh: i told them i only picked up 69 quid a week so they left it.


not heard anything for 12 months but no doubt they will get it one way or another

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Another well thought out plan by this :censored: goverment.Make people go back to work,were are all the jobs?

[/quotet]they will prob give them the jobs belonging to the people they are making redundent ,and give the redundent people the money that the unemployed where geting ,then every body will be happy . :whistling:

Edited by MY LAW
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