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Beardie lurchers

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same page just a diffrent subject , talking about beardies being the best they are the best for working shitty cold damp climates in all weathers ,but loclay on the big land i stay in, they over heat if there plenty game, i used to clip mines september and may , good dogs , not intrested in merles full stop saw what thye did to the so called working lurcher lads its took years for good workers to get back to normal and even then still hard to keep good worker to worker graham thtas all im intrested in dogs thta perform good not silver etc merle etc just performace tools

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Graham she simply asked a question,you put a copyright on your writings to prevent people plagiarising without permission,she merely asked do you have permission to use a pic.


its none or Mrs Nasty's business


It is when it concerns a friend of mine.

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Here we go again with the same old clap trap, Mrs Nasty had photobucket take down pictures of my dogs that I bred just cos they were in my online album, ok she took them , sent them to me then blubbed :cray: when i put them in my online kennel album .............. what did she think I was going to do with them, paper my wall?


JMI, are we talking about your pig mouthed lurcher thats part beardie keeps ? :whistling:

Edited by 10/22
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Here we go again with the same old clap trap, Mrs Nasty had photobucket take down pictures of my dogs that I bred just cos they were in my online album, ok she took them , sent them to me then blubbed :cray: when i put them in my online kennel album .............. what did she think I was going to do with them, paper my wall?


JMI, are we talking about your pig mouthed lurcher thats part beardie keeps ? :whistling:



Mrs Nasty why do you keep causing trouble it's nice to be nice ;);););););););););)

Edited by Graham Nicholson
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