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diet for 9 month lurcher

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i give my bitch 2 meals aday shes 9 month old collie/grey.i give her half pound in morning then rest at night i mix a bit of veg in aswell .i feed her the chicken/mince that you get in frozen packs.could anyone tell me if thats ok for her she looks well on it is it to much or not enough ?any advice on feeding be great including how much etc cheers everyone

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Its personnal preference Bez. If you are happy with the way your dog looks, then you are doing something right.... Are you putting meal in with the meat? And do you feel the dog is fit. I vary my food, more because i get my food free, so they get what comes next... Yeah, 2 meals a day for a pup is good....

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Try and vary the type of meat as well: beef is high in protein: just what a young dog needs. Lamb is good too: see if you can get waste from your local butcher. Raw rabbit is good, but needs freezing for 3 weeks first to kill tapeworm cysts.

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i give my bitch 2 meals aday shes 9 month old collie/grey.i give her half pound in morning then rest at night i mix a bit of veg in aswell .i feed her the chicken/mince that you get in frozen packs.could anyone tell me if thats ok for her she looks well on it is it to much or not enough ?any advice on feeding be great including how much etc cheers everyone


This chicken mince has bone in it, yes? A diet based on chicken will be deficient in zinc and magnesium. Zinc deficiency usually manifests as dry skin and poor coat. The big problem with chicken as the sole meat source is that is has a lot of fat in it, so the skin and coat will look good due to the fat, disguising the deficiency until further problems develop. A diet with plenty of red meat will have more zinc and magnesium and iron. A diet with too much bone in it can also cause problems with zinc, due to the fact that calcium binds zinc and makes it unusable by the body. The more excess calcium, the more zinc is bound. Phytates like those found in grains will bind some of the calcium, making the zinc more bioavailable. You will also want to add a small amount of beef liver to the diet to provide copper, vitamins A and D, and some iron. I find green veggies to be a take it or leave it sort of thing; orange and yellow veggies, however, add antioxidants and studies show that dogs that eat orange or yellow vegetables three times a week have a lower rate of cancer than dogs that don't. Plus the dogs seem to like them.

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i give my bitch 2 meals aday shes 9 month old collie/grey.i give her half pound in morning then rest at night i mix a bit of veg in aswell .i feed her the chicken/mince that you get in frozen packs.could anyone tell me if thats ok for her she looks well on it is it to much or not enough ?any advice on feeding be great including how much etc cheers everyone


This chicken mince has bone in it, yes? A diet based on chicken will be deficient in zinc and magnesium. Zinc deficiency usually manifests as dry skin and poor coat. The big problem with chicken as the sole meat source is that is has a lot of fat in it, so the skin and coat will look good due to the fat, disguising the deficiency until further problems develop. A diet with plenty of red meat will have more zinc and magnesium and iron. A diet with too much bone in it can also cause problems with zinc, due to the fact that calcium binds zinc and makes it unusable by the body. The more excess calcium, the more zinc is bound. Phytates like those found in grains will bind some of the calcium, making the zinc more bioavailable. You will also want to add a small amount of beef liver to the diet to provide copper, vitamins A and D, and some iron. I find green veggies to be a take it or leave it sort of thing; orange and yellow veggies, however, add antioxidants and studies show that dogs that eat orange or yellow vegetables three times a week have a lower rate of cancer than dogs that don't. Plus the dogs seem to like them.

:clapper: well put mate

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