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Stupid snare

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Went for a wander up woods tonight, saw a fresh rabbit hole and 'set' in the enterance to it was this:

It was nearly touching floor made from blue rope haha

Think its this lad who asked me to teach him how to set snares, proper nob so no way am i showing him








Wonder what it makes the public think when hey see things like this, dont think it was there long there was fresh footprints at the spot, i might have got it befor anyone saw it.



Paddy :thumbs:

Edited by paddy.t
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at the risk of getting laughed / shouted at, why not teach the kid how to do it properly, we all started some where and if he is taught to do it properly theres less chance of injuring animals that were not the target, not only that if mrs bunny hugger sees that it just gives them more ammo against us.


(but saying that if you feel he's such a nob that he wont learn ignore me as i dont know the kid :icon_redface:

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poor lad you best show him how to go on mate be for he makes it look bad for you round there and others we all strated some where thats why there is so many bad hunters out there turning there backs on eash other ? not wanting to show them the way of the hunter or the hunted

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Its not that im not willing to teach him, ill teach anyone who i think i can trust to do it properly and safely.

This kid would just set anywere and everyware and ide be the one taking the flac because im the only one around my that hunts and what not.

He spends too much time smoking weed and drinking to understand what im on about.

All in all theres no way i can trust him, hes not a countryman just a townie haha




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