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ground bait for pike fishing

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iv never ground baitd for pike ,i dont like feeding them and i always throw the old bait ie.mackerel in a bin rather than throwing it in the water.The fish might get full from eating it and wont feed on the presented bait

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in summer i have used maggots to atrack small perch and then try a small livebait amongest them

i saw a thing on the internet off PREDITORS about kev green and some perch bloke doing the same. they covered the mags in perch magic then sprayed them in the water to attract silvers, then went in the dead bait. worked well too :yes:

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ive done it quite a bit when piking, whizz up any oily fish in a food blender, (you mums /wifes best one )sardines/mackeral etc, mix with brown crumb one ball around each bait you can also replace you lead for a swim feeder(open out the holes) and put the mix in that. also done a lot off prebaiting chopped fish around the area you intend to fish for about a week then fish,got to watch they dont deep hook themselves as they are use to eating on the spot , best way is prebait then float fish live baits around the areas you have prebaited :thumbs:

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I tried it once, put old deadbaits through the mincing machine, just rolled it into balls then threw it around my float, had some big perch, only did it the once on a local stillwater, would do it again if it was'nt for the price of fish, maybe a fish monger could sort some cheap bits out, don't know if it would work on a stillwater.

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i have blended sardines, mackrell and silver fish into a pulp in the blender. then thinned the mixture down with brine from tinned tuna and mackrell. then i got an ice cube tray filled the cubes with the mixture and froze it. when frozen the cubes fit nicely in to a 2 or 3 oz feeder. use the feeder instead of a lead. when the cubes hit the water they defrost and the mix of fish oil and fish particles disapated through the swim putting a cloud of scent in the water. work's for me.. :victory:

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i have blended sardines, mackrell and silver fish into a pulp in the blender. then thinned the mixture down with brine from tinned tuna and mackrell. then i got an ice cube tray filled the cubes with the mixture and froze it. when frozen the cubes fit nicely in to a 2 or 3 oz feeder. use the feeder instead of a lead. when the cubes hit the water they defrost and the mix of fish oil and fish particles disapated through the swim putting a cloud of scent in the water. work's for me.. :victory:

sounds like a good idea, there's a similar method in carp fishing where you use liquid attractors and half boilies instead of blended fish

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a few years back when me and my dad used 2 night fish in a warm water part of our local river we used 2 pop down few hours before we wnet down and used to put2 raabits dead lol bleeding in a sack and tie it to the bank and chuck it un cum back l8er use makrel on big hook would catch some right monsters all night.....brings the eels in aswell

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