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Cut on eye

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My bitch cut her eye ball out hunting on Saturday. The cut is about 2-3mm long. Its on the brown patch around the black pupil. I am treating it with a human eye drop with antibiothics. Has anyone any other advice to save the eye please


sounds to me like you doing the wright thing ,the eye drops and antibiotics should do the trick ,as long as the pupil isnt damaged she should heal fairly quickly ,the eye will prob glaze over a greyish colour and swell but keep treating as you are and she,ll soon be on her job again ,my bitch as lost a good piece of her ear ,and with the cold is taking a long time to heal , and my dog i started this season has had is front middle toe pulled off so the bone was showing all the way down and the skin was swinging off the end hanging on by about 2 mm of the pad ,was a real bad one and we all thought it would drop off , i cleaned it best i could pushed it back on to were it was supposed to be ,a couple of stitches at the top to hold it on and put him on anti,s ,kept it clean and bandaged it up ,its took nearly 3 weeks but its healed a treat and will probs look like nothing ever happened in a couple of weeks ,i would have took him to vets but he had a proper face full as well on top and under neath ,down his shoulders and even on the back of his head ,the guy looks like a siv ,so couldnt take him to vets ,they do heal very quickly though and i think the eye will be right in a couple of weeks ,best of luck with her mate and hope she,s doing it for you again very soon .............DF

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Definitely get the dog to a vet ASAP: unless you want it to lose the eye. Vet's can stitch the wound: but the chances are its well contaminated by now so will also need antibiotics. Eyes are one thing you don't mess about with at home unless you are a vet yourself.

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Thanks for the advice lads. It was a vet who recommended the eye drops. I am not bringing to the vets as the cut happened an hour after I dug with her and she always gets these funny looking holes in her face after digging that our vet dont like to see!!!!!! It is glazed over but this happens all eyes for a couple of days after any bang. Thanks again.

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My bitch cut her eye ball out hunting on Saturday. The cut is about 2-3mm long. Its on the brown patch around the black pupil. I am treating it with a human eye drop with antibiothics. Has anyone any other advice to save the eye please

get it to the vets mate it could lose it

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It's a very sad sign of the times that a dog man has to worry about his house being visited/raided if he brings his worker to the vet.

If a vet is out of the question (and a vet is the best advice you've been given) use a magnifying glass to examine the eyeball and make sure there's no foreign bodies in the cut. Use an eye wash that comes in a small bottle with a tight nozzle so pressure can be used to squirt dirt out. Have an antibiotic in the terrier and used cloth or carpet as bedding not straw or shavings. A mild pain killer might stop the terrier having to scratch.

As has been said there are still a few horse and cow vets who recognise a worker and a genuine man when they see one but sadly like the old time dog men they're becoming scarse.

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My bitch had her eye cut like that by a cat, which she'd stormed in to when she was 12 weeks old. The vet had a look, said "Hmm well she could go blind, or not. Just have to see."


He gave me a bottle of human eye drops and a bill for £75 :blink: I saw the drops in Boots later that day, for £2. The invoice from the vets said £9 plus £2.50 dispensing fee :sick: I wouldn't mind but it wasn't even an animal version of the product - the box still had the (human) patient advice leaflet warning not to use if pregnant or breastfeeding, etc etc.


I asked what justified £75, when all I really got was two trips for "Could go blind, might not - just wait and find out." He said to not attend could be taken as cruelty to animals etc etc. Then again he thinks not feeding Hills Science Diet is cruelty to animals too. The other lot round here aren't much better either. Unless they've nicked an artery, or something serious has happened, I tend to stay away from vets surgeries now.

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Thanks for all the advice lads. To clear up one thing, our vet is a keen hunting man but his partner (female) is anti. I did not bring the bitch in as he said he would put dye in it take a look and give me drops. But he just gave name of drops instead saying that only time and the drops will be any good. So it is by no means neglecting her by not bringing her in. She is in great form so we hope and wait. Thanks to all again

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if it goes ok the eye will staY clear if not an ulcer will form over the cut to the iris and could spread to the rest of eye. it will need treating with an eye antibiotic cream.if it goes a grey misty colour then you are loseing the battle. good luck. hears a trick go to casulty rub your eye and tell em theres brick dust in it, they will wash it out and give you some antibiotic drops try these on the dog if you cant go to the vets..

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