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Guest gaz100604
bad new when alot of folks are geting deleted for nothing irish pup etc not on ian not evening an email to tell them why either.bad form bad form this site has literally gone to f**k over it.



Nobody gets deleting for nothing gaz, if your not happy with the way the owner chooses to run the site you can ask to be removed at any time.



doesnt bother me its not the only hunting website on the net :victory: ians doing what he likes anyway nothing i says gonna change that


Does that mean your happy or you want deleting then?



i havent said delete me its you trying to put these words in my mouth your just itching to press the button arnt you? i said its bad form to do it all the time for no particualr reason in sum cases and your doing your best to goade me into getting deleted not taking the bait dont speak to me on here again thank you gary

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bad new when alot of folks are geting deleted for nothing irish pup etc not on ian not evening an email to tell them why either.bad form bad form this site has literally gone to f**k over it.



Nobody gets deleting for nothing gaz, if your not happy with the way the owner chooses to run the site you can ask to be removed at any time.



doesnt bother me its not the only hunting website on the net :victory: ians doing what he likes anyway nothing i says gonna change that


Does that mean your happy or you want deleting then?



i havent said delete me its you trying to put these words in my mouth your just itching to press the button arnt you? i said its bad form to do it all the time for no particualr reason in sum cases and your doing your best to goade me into getting deleted not taking the bait dont speak to me on here again thank you gary

Bad form??? All she ever done was argue an threatin people maybe ill come on more now shes gone. never no ian she might actually do abit of proper huntin now she will have more time on her hands!!! I never smile on a monday but since i seen this my face is hurtin. :clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper:

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i dont come on this site much anymore and its easy to see why....genuine hunters are being deleted and whats left bar a few nice lads are kids and brown nosers.... :thumbdown:


Fecking hell, not you again..........how many names are you registered under :clapper::clapper:


I will take my hat off to you, you dont give up.



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Guest gaz100604
i dont come on this site much anymore and its easy to see why....genuine hunters are being deleted and whats left bar a few nice lads are kids and brown nosers.... :thumbdown:


Fecking hell, not you again..........how many names are you registered under :clapper::clapper:


I will take my hat off to you, you dont give up.




lloyd r is not irish pup irish pup is our other brother and his accounts been deleted lloyd r account has never been deleted

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Guest hpool_hunter

an argument as begun ,member now been deleted , this topic still isnt locked , is this because its in favour of administration , i dont know , but IMO this topic should be locked .


if it was to do with any other argument , it would have been locked at the FIRST POST . :icon_eek:

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Well i think a bit hunting is in order,if we spent as much time out with the dogs as we do on here arguing,we would all have superb dogs,lol. Good hunting all :whistling:

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bad new when alot of folks are geting deleted for nothing irish pup etc not on ian not evening an email to tell them why either.bad form bad form this site has literally gone to f**k over it.



Nobody gets deleting for nothing gaz, if your not happy with the way the owner chooses to run the site you can ask to be removed at any time.



doesnt bother me its not the only hunting website on the net :victory: ians doing what he likes anyway nothing i says gonna change that


Does that mean your happy or you want deleting then?



i havent said delete me its you trying to put these words in my mouth your just itching to press the button arnt you? i said its bad form to do it all the time for no particualr reason in sum cases and your doing your best to goade me into getting deleted not taking the bait dont speak to me on here again thank you gary



I believe you accused member of "sucking Ians balls" on another thread? If I wanted to delete you I'd press the button, I was merely asking if you aren't happy then nobody has too stay, if your here to post consructive posts and debate then fine, the siter nearly went down not long ago due to bickering and the mods and admin won't let that happen again, any negative posters and trouble makers will be gone..............

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Amen Simo, were on here because we all have an interest in hunting, who wants to argue over pathetic subjects and members receiving threats for nothing.... :thumbdown: , how bad is that and how does it make us look as a group to other people outside of hunting...

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