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Guest Eamon.Mc

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Guest miller1989

Well said tally hoo NOT your all bonkers well most of you lets make a forum for the kids great for antis to look at them saying we dug a fox today was great bla bla bla we didnt back fill bla bla bla we dug in 3 places bla bla bla we dont learn much bla bla bla fkn bla! if this is the way then fuk it lets go our seperate ways all and not bother sticking together let the antis get what they want should we?


correct way,learn kids and lurchmen without terriers that its a good way of hunting take em out etc its the same round us the hunt do fuk all for the youngsters we have to take em out how can you justify that coz when were all to old and fooked they gota carry on hunting and without are help we might aswel give up!

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i dont think there should be another forum for earth dogs becouse at the end of the day a working terrier is a working terrier wether is does to ground to hunt fox or rabbit or rat







this is bull sh** a working terrier is a dog that goes UNDER GROUND TO WORK ITS QUARRY!!!!!


well your welcome to your apinion mate but a bushing dog has a job to do so in my eyes it is a working dog. the word terrier means to go to ground so if a dog can go to ground it is a terrier is it not so bushing dogs have a job to do & if they can go to ground they are terriers there for in my eyes they are working terriers. even though i dont rate them as high as a earth dog that works fox to ground becouse a earth dog puts more into its job. i am not having a go at earth dogs mate & they do deserve more respect for what they do. but a working dog is a working dog & a terrier is a terrier. :thumbs:

Edited by brock1
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the thing is if you go on diggingemout.org its an anti site which has pictures and posts on off this site ,i will tell all what i get up to with no problems what so ever ,and will talk dogs all day long (ask the misses)to people who i no ,but a lot of people on here no there are anti,s on here reading all the posts and writing all the info down , and i for one want to keep digging for years to come , people arnt saying they want every one stopped from going on a earth dog forum (if there was one)but people who are known to be ok , one member not so long ago was slated off for putting a pic of his dog up that had took a lot of stick , this would not happen if it had its own forum ,after all they are earth dogs and dont always come out lookin the same as they went in :icon_eek: but members shouldnt get stick for it ,and as for the young uns they are welcome to learn ,we never stop learning ,

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Guest Countryboyo

Hate the way some long term members on this forum think that they are above everyone else. Its an absolute joke. I feel sorry for people on this forum that love hunting but for some reason or another they cant take part in the sport. Maybe they are too busy at work, Maybe They dont have time with young families, maybe they have a bitch of a wife that wont let them. Maybe they are after moving to the city after living in the countryside all there life and are now in a flat and cant keep dogs, Maybe they cant afford to buy a digital camera, maybe they dont put up pictures because they are paranoid of the antis, maybe they are going through a real hard time on life and cant hunt for one reason or another but looking at these hunting pictures and stories makes them feel part of something and gets them through their tough time until they can hunt again, maybe they are young people that are very excited about their new found love of hunting and countryside sport ant they just want to learn and absorb good advice and techniques from the seasoned men on this forum.


I ask that people are a bit more understanding on this forum. Everybody is looking out of a different window in life.


I know this is an open forum admin and mods, people are entitled to their own views


Why not believe in a common honesty and decency in our fellow hunting fans


No man here is above or below any other man because of the stars becide his name


Idir an da linn, Tabhair aire duit fein. (in the meantime look after yourself)

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well lads i dont think it,ll change much, for example.. i loved that old patt site but i reckon for the amount of members on there and their combined experience in the dog game i dont think it reached anything near the potential it could have... folk still found ways of slagging each other off, then not posting and had very little time for little people.

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the thing is if you go on diggingemout.org its an anti site which has pictures and posts on off this site ,i will tell all what i get up to with no problems what so ever ,and will talk dogs all day long (ask the misses)to people who i no ,but a lot of people on here no there are anti,s on here reading all the posts and writing all the info down , and i for one want to keep digging for years to come , people arnt saying they want every one stopped from going on a earth dog forum (if there was one)but people who are known to be ok , one member not so long ago was slated off for putting a pic of his dog up that had took a lot of stick , this would not happen if it had its own forum ,after all they are earth dogs and dont always come out lookin the same as they went in :icon_eek: but members shouldnt get stick for it ,and as for the young uns they are welcome to learn ,we never stop learning ,


you sound like a genuine digging man i know what your on about with the antis but if you whanted to show your mates pics of your dogs on here then it would be safer to do by pm wouldnt it. that way you would know that your pic is not going to be put on a anti site & if there trusted mates & whant to see your dogs then you can send them to them & so on but i dont think that making a nother forum for earth dogs whould help i think that if the antis whant to get on they will. ance one gets on then there all on & then it is back to the same think as we already have here i think that if you dont whant your pics going on a anti site your just best of not posting them on here. that dose not mean that you cant post on here about what you have done & if people that you trust whant to see the pic then you can pm them to them that way the antis will not get your pic & if they do you will have a better chance of finding howt who the antis are on the site. & i know where your comeing from when you say people should not get stick for posting pics of there dogs after abit of punishment but antis will always be looking on these sites & where there is a will there is a way so they alway will. we just have to learn to keep doing what we do & keep them from seeing. dogs can die in kennel fights from wears wound than what would of been on that pic your on about but it is just how you show the pic if he only written the story then sent the pics to people that he trusts that asked to see them would he of got slated of ? they will always be people on here that dont know the arse end of a dog to it front but the reason they dont is becouse they havent been shown. it can be a shock to whant to learn about something then see a dog that has been working hard for a while & has taken alot of stik but if they seen them marks slowly apear on the dog over time & know the dog over time things whould be diferent i think. you will always get antis cousing sh*t no mater what. :thumbs:

Edited by brock1
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Aye tis the season to be jolly right enough in here....everyone's a critic my dog's bigger/better than your dog....your dog's not a worker cause it dont go to ground...your dogs not a fox killer cause it cant do one on its own....my coursing dog is better than your rabbbiting dog.....my dog can run all day doesn't feel pain....you cant post a picture of that ferret cause it's a pet......Jeeeesus just listen to yourselfs like abunch of old f*****g women at times.


There is a load of shite posted on this forum at times and silly bickering....and not just from young ones either....some people have a very narrow view of what constitutes a working terrier/lurcher and anyone questioning or going against perceived wisdom is usually shot down in flames and verbally abused or threatened. Is that what an open forum is for....I dont think so. Some have suggested having to be vouched for before being allowed in here, where does that leave the ones that dont know anyone or are new to the game?.....now the ones that do make stupid posts or whatever, best way to deal with them is to ignore the post and let it fade away or if it's really of the wall report it to the mods....all this jumping all over people because they DARE to disagree or hold a different opinion from you is wrong. As some said earlier there have been some very informative posts and some very experienced folk writing them but because of the shite thats dished out they cant be arsed anymore which is a shame and a big loss to this site. So please try engaging your brain before your mouth (or fingers) and try to remember just because you think your right it doesn't mean you are. Merry f*****g xmas to you all :big_boss:

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nice reply brock , its only my oppinion for what its worth ,but i myself have a lot to learn ,like i said we never stop learning from the moment we born ,just think it would be a chance for people to talk dogs with out all the agro ,and even if you dont own a terrier should still be aloud on just aslong you been a member for a certain amont of time or safe people that every one nows or has been referred ,but you have a good point too

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