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owt today

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set off this morning and arrived at the allotment at 9:15am, bloke at work said he had seen a few about and asked me and terrierbitch to have a go at them. wanst expecting many but ended up with 8 in total, terrierbitch took his patterdale for the first time and she did very well marking sets and managed to chase a rabbit owt the grass which was back netted, gave 2 of the rabbits to 2 old fellas and got back home for 3pm to put up some xmas lights to keep our lass happy.


we got another hedge to do off someone else while we were there.


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  stealthy1 said:
Bet the old boys were happy, I did an allotment and swapped the rabbits for veg. :D


yeh they were, i gave one to one then he must of sent his mate down. they were all big rabbits not surprised they wanted rid of them. never thought about swappin for veg i will next time mate cheers

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you have failed to mention your new rabbit killing technique!!the second rabbit to bolt was abit awkward to reach and gave gary abit of a run around so when he finally got hold of it he stuck the nut on it! :icon_eek::clapper: pissed myself laughing.still tickles me now thinking of it.has for molly she really did me proud,once she sussed out what was doing and what the intension was she got stuck into everything,steaming through the rough getting right in the holes,marking sets.it was a pleasure to watch her learning,espeicially at 7 and a half month.and your hob worked well,i think you should change his name to arnie!!!cant wait to get out again.

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