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A first time for everything

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Hi lads,


I received a nice invitation lately to go stalking for a fallow deer about one hour away from Dublin. Despite the bad frost this morning I drove to the shooting ground and met my friend and his son over there. He had a Tikka 6,5X55 with a superb Zwarovsky scope ready for me and the ground looked nice, it couldn't be better.


I was worried at the beginning because the grass was crispy and discretion was not that easy. We first met 2 does but they spotted us before we saw them and ran away. We had to finish before midday for professional reasons and we realised that the hub cap was missing on wheel and went back to a place we had spotted before, it was 11h already. We found the cap and spotted a black deer about 500m away. No time to be clever, there was no wind and we were in a good position to use the cover of the edge to get closer. About mid way I spotted 2 hinds about 150 yards away. I had no bipod on this rifle as its owner is good enough not to use it. I didn't feel confortable trying a standing shot at this distance with a rifle I don't know. The hinds went away.


We continued until we reached this little piece of cover where the intial black fallow disappeared. On the way we flushed 3 hares. There was nothing around in terms of fallows. I thought we should better stop and go back to the car but my friend wanted to beat the cover in case a fallow is inside. I put the scope on the minimum (6), my friend first flushed a woodcock and after a couple of minutes a fallow came out. He ran away and I took a shot 40 yards away right behing the shoulder. He was dead instantly. It is very small male, not a trophee but a good result for a beginner. I must say this 6.5X55 is very confortable to shoot, sadly not allowed in France :wallbash:




Edited by Paddywoodcock
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