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Natural Tunnels for Fenn Traps

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I thought a few people might be interested in this.


The best tunnels for use with Fenn traps are made from natural materials, found in the immeadiate locality.


On a recent trip to Devon, I decided to build a couple of tunnels to show how easy it is.


This is the first site,




The addition of a suitable log makes the side of the tunnel,




As you can see, getting the dimensions correct is important. A Mk4 Fenn trap is placed to make sure the tunnel is wide enough, and the roof height is correct, and then the tunnel is formed using sticks,






Finally, a couple of guard sticks are used to restrict the access,




And there we have an ideal tunnel for grey squirrels.

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The next site was beside a stream. A natural run seemed ideal, and there was even a stone already in place to form one side of the tunnel,




A few more stones were gathered from the locality,




And then it was just a question of building the tunnel,




This is the other end,




The addition of some small pieces of turf to help the tunnel blend in also helped.


This tunnel was made big enough to take a Mk6 Fenn, just in case Mr Mink was about...


Total time to build both tunnels was 45 minutes. I'll be running traps in them in the spring, so I'll try and get some pictures of the results then.

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simple things work best , i often used to dig a tunnel thru a bank or into a bank and make either a straight thru tunnel or an elbow ( favoured by american mink trappers) no boxes to carry about and just looks like a rabbit hole to joe public , good post

Edited by john b
Removal of repeated pics
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Hi Matt.


Yes natural is best in my view........or natural as man intended. I trap a lot of vermin in old dry gateway drains....they are a haven for all types of passing traffic. One of my most successful places is a pipe through a very high stone wall it catches rats on an almost nightly basis that try to reach the nearby game cover.







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