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just a few minutes from jtn 28 m25 mate. There was a programe about the deer on the box a few weeks back called sky cops if you saw it they were looking out for people poaching them in the wood opposite where i live, Frank knows where i am on about (i think) Basically the local do gooders who feed the deer had said there was poaching going on and were up in arms as the herd numbers were dwindling. They sent the choppers up and you should of seen the number of deer showing on their thermal cameras was amazing...they pulled the guys over with their guns as they were dragging one back to the landy, turned out to be authorised culling...which i knew about anyway....the muntjac i have seen are showing out in the open during the day...had one step out on me while i was flying the harris on the creance a few weeks back at 2:30 in the afternoon just stood there watching me for a few minutes before taking off into the undergrowth

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I was out this morning with the harris again and could hear this barking coming from the woods, two deer bolted out in front of me and when i looked in i could see this little staff chasing a herd of about thirty deer round in circles..was quite funny he was having the time of his life.....sad thing was there was no sight of a owner...only person i could see was a blip on the the landscape in the distance...typicall of dog owners around here :censored:

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some spots round london are full of them bolt them from cover with terriers just like foxes and if they have any distance to go they are easy for the lurcher as they normally just run in straight line as for taste they taste better than fallow which we also have lots of so many about we were using them for dog food thats the munties not the fallow

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I have a bit of permission next door to a deer farm and theres all around there (whether they been attracted by the farm ones i dont know) there are muntjac and fallow or roe (not to clever on them two), are you still allowed to shoot muntjac with a shotgun??? im in two mind whether to wait till the number of muntjac increase so i have more chance of one or just apply for a variation on an FAC for a suitable calibre.

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I know exactly where you mean Crafty, theres a good number around there........lot of prying eyes as well :thumbs:

They are moving all along the arterial road now, still having a bit of bother getting across in numbers.....the road seems to act as a natural barrier.


Thats the trouble with the area, its lifting with Deer but its also lifting with people as well.....10% of the whole population of the country in and around London and only 4 or 5 minutes flying time for any Met chopper to any area.

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the number of most species of deer is rapidly climbing due to the fact that dont have alot of natural predators, i was listening to a gentlemen from the allardale project ( in scotland ) talking about this the other day & i think over the next ten years especially in more city areas we will see the numbers increase dramatically.


Well plenty of dog food & some tasty venison hot pots Mmmm lol

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