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A busy morning

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The freezers were worringly close to empty so spent a few mornings recently watching a group of Red hinds and calves. Concentrated last season on removing any stags with poor heads, this season i wanted to take out a few hinds. Not a breath of wind as i left the van and there was a hard enough frost so it was like walking on cornflakes. Spotted a big hind first but knew the rest would be near so spent an agonising few minutes creeping along the crunching ground till i could see the group, 2 calves and 3 hinds. Rested the Sako on my stick and down went the first calf, reload and down went the second, reload and dropped the hind that had been with first calf. They were heading off for the high ground so gave a quick shout and they stopped, dropped the second hind. The fifth one legged it but stopped about 20yards further on for a good 10 seconds, had her lined up but decided not to be greedy.

Rang the farmer before starting the gralloch and he said he'd send a mate with a quad. Turns out the guy had been asking to meet me, has ground nearby and gave me the stalking permission on it too! A good morning's work i think.





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Thats the way to do it spud!!!!

i always reckon word of mouth is better than asking around once you get a bit of permission the rest just seems to fall in place if you do a good job and respect the land the farmers own............... word travels fast in the farming community ,

nice result :clapper:

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nice one!!!! :gunsmilie:


great photos ..one of those mornings where you have to work for it but christ you feel alive!!!!



and more permission too!!!!!!!



couldnt get better!!!




liquid card definately!!!



all the best



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