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Building a hutch

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Guest blackntan
My dad has asked me to build him a hutch for his guinea pigs, I have designed it and drawn it out, but I jsut need to know what the best type of wood to use for it. Any help would be great.


best grade marine ply you can afford
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I have guineas myself & from experience ,best ply you can afford as you'll only have to build one that will last. Make sure you leave big lip on roof over door to stop rain going in hutch. Mine have three sections- bed, toilet & day area. I always paint mine in pet friendly wood paint. It smarts them up & keeps them weather proof. :thumbs:

If you make the 'toilet' bit same size as baking tray or one of the cheap cat liter trays you can just put sawdust in & real quick to clean out. :thumbs:

Dont know how many you have or how big you planning it. Mine are 4ft longx 2ft wide, I've put ramp on as well so they have two floors.


Bit OTT I spose but I dont feel as guilty then over the winter if I dont get them into runs on grass.


If you do good job now it will last you years. I've had one of my hutches 5 yrs & still going strong, only ever had to re-paint it

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Doglost we have 3 guinea pigs a male and 2 females, im building 2 seperate hutches ontop of each other but it I have planned it to be 4ft by 2ft aswell, and I do like the 3 compartment idea I may do that. We have to keep the boy and 2 girls seperate because the females are to old to mate so it would be rather unfair. Anyway cheers for info people.

I am in the middle of building one for college in my spare time but the wood they have got was already there so haven't asked them what type of ply it was. I will do tomorrrow though.


Edited by JoeD
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