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help with my dogs

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right befor i start i carnt spell so plese no piss takeing /////iv got to 8 month pup beagle x jr x cocker now these dog are very very good i killed 6 rabbits this mornig , but the prob is i carnt go with any body becos thay just try to kill any othere dogs that come near them thay are ur right with my mates pat but my cusen got a old dog and 9 month pat but its a waest of time we whent this morning and bort 4 muzel and let them loos but thay tryed to kill one and othere so i need help any thorts wood be grateley apreshated :wallbash::wallbash:

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Thats an hard one to advise on without actually seeing the dogs


Muzzle's can often make the dog worse.....as can being tethered or on the lead (i have had a dog that was OK off the lead, but on the lead and he became very protective and aggresive to everything :gunsmilie: )


At 8 months old i cant imagine they are that dog aggresive that they cant all be let loose to sort it out by a bit of squabbling.................But as i said without seeing the dogs and how they react its an hard one to give advice on


Hope someone else has some advice that can help and hope it works out

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Go back to basics mate walks round the park places like that where there are plenty of dogs about start off walking a good distance from the dogs for a few times making sure he is well behaved, if not do it again and again, over say a month get closer and closer until the dogs meet.

hope this helps



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Are they related say litter mates?,sounds like there packing up and as there together are feeding off each others hostility.Try introducing one of the dogs to your mates pair of dogs,do this slowly and leashed up so you can control any growls with a hard tug on the lead.Due to them being alone they won't feel so brave,but this does need to be sorted as they are allready showing you you aint the boss!.

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  fireman said:
Are they related say litter mates?,sounds like there packing up and as there together are feeding off each others hostility.Try introducing one of the dogs to your mates pair of dogs,do this slowly and leashed up so you can control any growls with a hard tug on the lead.Due to them being alone they won't feel so brave,but this does need to be sorted as they are allready showing you you aint the boss!.
thank you lads very much il try it :victory:
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Try introduceing the dogs backwards, arse to arse but not touching each other.Any signs of growling or barking.As soon as the dog starts to growl at the other check the dog.Just jerk the lead.Sit the dogs down back to back but not touching each other.Every time you even see the dogs about to growl or go for the other dog.Jerk the lead and give the dog a command like stop or no.After a couple of minutes you will see a difference.

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