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deben Lithium ion

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i may have my maths wrong..... but a 12volt 100watt bulb will pull 8.3 amps???? wont so will a 10ah battery give out just over 1 hour constant light?



I'd say that sounds right, but using that eqaution my 17 Amp battery should give less than 2 hours, but in reality it's on for 2 minutes then off for 10, quick flash here and there, not on constantly.





Converting Watts to Amps


The conversion of Watts to Amps is governed by the equation Amps = Watts/Volts


For example 12 watts/12 volts = 1 amp

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i may have my maths wrong..... but a 12volt 100watt bulb will pull 8.3 amps???? wont so will a 10ah battery give out just over 1 hour constant light?



I'd say that sounds right, but using that eqaution my 17 Amp battery should give less than 2 hours, but in reality it's on for 2 minutes then off for 10, quick flash here and there, not on constantly.





Converting Watts to Amps


The conversion of Watts to Amps is governed by the equation Amps = Watts/Volts


For example 12 watts/12 volts = 1 amp


14amps gives 60mins and 18amp gives 80mins constant light, acording to the instructions on my deben belt pack.

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