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HV .22lr ammunition for vermin

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you want hollow points if your using it for vermin and in 22lr why not use subsonic were it will be alot quieter and spook less animals


i will use subsonic with a moderator for rabbit and small ground game. but as i work on a shoot/farm one of my duty will be keeping an eye out for foxes and if possible shoot them. Although i dont like usin this calibre as shots must be tacken pretty close, needs must until i get enough money for a .223. The farmer has suggested remmigton cyclone, but i was not very pleased with the accuracy even at short range of these.

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yeah hight velocity or hyper velocity not fussed just as long as they are accurate and have enough punch



Hollow Point every time...and they all have plenty of "punch"...problem is High Velocity .22LR are NOT accurate!!!

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yeah hight velocity or hyper velocity not fussed just as long as they are accurate and have enough punch



Hollow Point every time...and they all have plenty of "punch"...problem is High Velocity .22LR are NOT accurate!!!


I bought 200 CCI Stingers, were supposed to be the highest velocity available at the time, think they were HP too, however after sighting in the only time I ever used them was when I wanted to make a bit of noise to let folks know I was out there. I think I took over 150 back to the dealer eventually


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Said this before, but in this day and age, 22LR = subsonic hunting tool for when silence is golden.


If you want HV, HMR or WMR, since they give you the speed and keep some accuracy.



That is the reason for a .22lr, stealth and silence for 99.99% of the time for rabbits and crow etc. but until i get enough money for a true dedicated fox calibre (a .223 is on my wish list) i may have to take a fox or two with the rifle i have. but as a Hiho say its bullet placement not power and i feel a damn sight more confident in the accuracy of the trustey eley subs. I was hoping (possibley in my nievity) that there was a high velocity round that was sufficiently accurate.


mr.logic could you give me any advice on good silencer for .22lr. got about £60 to spend on one,might be willing to push that a bit tho for sommit real good. thanks in advance

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Said this before, but in this day and age, 22LR = subsonic hunting tool for when silence is golden.


If you want HV, HMR or WMR, since they give you the speed and keep some accuracy.



That is the reason for a .22lr, stealth and silence for 99.99% of the time for rabbits and crow etc. but until i get enough money for a true dedicated fox calibre (a .223 is on my wish list) i may have to take a fox or two with the rifle i have. but as a Hiho say its bullet placement not power and i feel a damn sight more confident in the accuracy of the trustey eley subs. I was hoping (possibley in my nievity) that there was a high velocity round that was sufficiently accurate.


mr.logic could you give me any advice on good silencer for .22lr. got about £60 to spend on one,might be willing to push that a bit tho for sommit real good. thanks in advance

Sak would do nicely, they're cheap and they work.


22LR doesn't matter if it's a subsonic or HV, the difference in power is minimal unless you're talking hyper-velocity stuff and then you're talking a blunderbuss. The 22LR subsonic will work quite nicely to 100 yards on a fox, accurate placement is key. Practice and a decent scope will sort you out there.

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I bought my ASE utra mod as I was using HV for fox (exactly the same reason as you)


This was reccomended as one of the better mods for HV and sub use.


Mr L. May know of better for the money but I am happy with mine (bugger to clean/strip though)



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Blimey... would never have even thought about takin a shot that far with any .22lr. i'll get down the falm and practice at varying distances if i can hit a clay at that far consistantly that'll do for me.


i'll have a look at SAK



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