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Grounds still a bit hard.

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Had a dodge out this morning,wasnt planning it as the ground still seems a bit hard,but i woke up early so we went for a skulk about. :whistling:post-26717-1228561631.jpg


There was quite a bit slippery ice on the footpaths,and yeah i ended up going down :thumbdown: 3 times to be honest :wallbash::clapper:





post-26717-1228561856.jpg had a look over here


then had a look over there



Didnt see anything about,though the dogs had their noses in the air at one point,must of been one of them 'big red rabbits' somewhere near.



Dogs had a sniff about and did some scent tracking but nowt came of it,never mind.





Hope it stays mild today and dosent get too cold for tonight :victory:

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unlucky fella,

good when yeah fall over straight on your arse innit :whistling::rofl:


i did twice on way to school yesterday lol,


nice pics tho mate and good luck for tonight :thumbs:



Cheers mate,first time you go down its funny,second time it hurts,third time im starting to lose my temper lol :wallbash:

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The ground has thawed out nicely round here!!! pavements a tad slippy in places, but other than that, all looking good!!!!


yeah same here mate,still some icy bits where the waters lying on some fields though :icon_eek:

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Wish it was a bit harder here!


Been out 2 nights running and it's like a swamp, what looks like flat grass quickly disappears and you're standing in water up to your knees.


Slipped the dog on a rabbit last night and as he ran across the field he sank up to his neck!!!


Been out building an ark this morning, the end of the world is nigh!!!

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