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BEWARE: Canine Kennels gone bust

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We have been stung £500 of hard earn't money on kennel sections from Canine Kennels. Ordered them 3 weeks ago and was supposed to receive them yesterday. Spoke to them today to find out whats happening only to be told that they went into administration yesterday and that we won't get our money back. Been on the phone today talking to the Countrymans for advice, Trading standards, IDIOTS at Canine Kennels. Apparently they went into administration yesterday (bearing in mind my goods were supposed to be delivered yesterday!!) BUT HAVE NOT YET GONE INTO RECEIVERSHIP YET... We paid online by debit card and there fore are not able to get our money back as you would on a credit card but by law if they have not yet gone into receivership you ARE entitled to cancel your order and get a refund. They owe the Countrymans Weekly and the Shooting Times thousands and are still happy to take an order from customers fully well knowing that they are not going to receive their goods from Canine Kennels. It is DISGUSTING. Though one of their staff told be that they are being brought out and the new owners plan to resolve these problems but I'm not holding my breath. They are a Limited company and wouldn't suprise me if they come back under another name. The best advice we can give is speak to your bank, trading standards and keep the receivership status up to date with the official receivership helpine. Its a really horrible feeling being knocked, especially with Xmas right on our door step :thumbdown::angry::cry:

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We have been stung £500 of hard earn't money on kennel sections from Canine Kennels. Ordered them 3 weeks ago and was supposed to receive them yesterday. Spoke to them today to find out whats happening only to be told that they went into administration yesterday and that we won't get our money back. Been on the phone today talking to the Countrymans for advice, Trading standards, IDIOTS at Canine Kennels. Apparently they went into administration yesterday (bearing in mind my goods were supposed to be delivered yesterday!!) BUT HAVE NOT YET GONE INTO RECEIVERSHIP YET... We paid online by debit card and there fore are not able to get our money back as you would on a credit card but by law if they have not yet gone into receivership you ARE entitled to cancel your order and get a refund. They owe the Countrymans Weekly and the Shooting Times thousands and are still happy to take an order from customers fully well knowing that they are not going to receive their goods from Canine Kennels. It is DISGUSTING. Though one of their staff told be that they are being brought out and the new owners plan to resolve these problems but I'm not holding my breath. They are a Limited company and wouldn't suprise me if they come back under another name. The best advice we can give is speak to your bank, trading standards and keep the receivership status up to date with the official receivership helpine. Its a really horrible feeling being knocked, especially with Xmas right on our door step :thumbdown::angry::cry:
sorry to hear that mate,
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  • 2 weeks later...
We have been stung £500 of hard earn't money on kennel sections from Canine Kennels. Ordered them 3 weeks ago and was supposed to receive them yesterday. Spoke to them today to find out whats happening only to be told that they went into administration yesterday and that we won't get our money back. Been on the phone today talking to the Countrymans for advice, Trading standards, IDIOTS at Canine Kennels. Apparently they went into administration yesterday (bearing in mind my goods were supposed to be delivered yesterday!!) BUT HAVE NOT YET GONE INTO RECEIVERSHIP YET... We paid online by debit card and there fore are not able to get our money back as you would on a credit card but by law if they have not yet gone into receivership you ARE entitled to cancel your order and get a refund. They owe the Countrymans Weekly and the Shooting Times thousands and are still happy to take an order from customers fully well knowing that they are not going to receive their goods from Canine Kennels. It is DISGUSTING. Though one of their staff told be that they are being brought out and the new owners plan to resolve these problems but I'm not holding my breath. They are a Limited company and wouldn't suprise me if they come back under another name. The best advice we can give is speak to your bank, trading standards and keep the receivership status up to date with the official receivership helpine. Its a really horrible feeling being knocked, especially with Xmas right on our door step :thumbdown::angry::cry:


lets all get together and stop this company


yes they did go into liquidation there limited company is called canine products i heard from someone who worked there that they knew for months they were going to close but still took orders.planning to re-open. if this company called broxap has paid them any money who gets it. i bet its not the customers. i have also been told watch dog have been having a look at them. if they say it was canine leathers that went bump why did they stop trading? it was not money people lost for leather leads it was money for galvanised panels, kennels, cages and the like, it was those products people lost there money on. i think its just a way for them to get around re-opening how many more people will get stung in the future? there trading with the same web site same phone number and also the same address.they should be made to pay all the money back to customers if watch dog are looking at them send them your complaints dont let them get away with it im sure with a little bit of digging the truth will come out. i lost £500 on panels i have given my story to watch dog here is web site http://www.bbc.co.uk/watchdog/gotastory/


lets all get together and stop this company

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We have been stung £500 of hard earn't money on kennel sections from Canine Kennels. Ordered them 3 weeks ago and was supposed to receive them yesterday. Spoke to them today to find out whats happening only to be told that they went into administration yesterday and that we won't get our money back. Been on the phone today talking to the Countrymans for advice, Trading standards, IDIOTS at Canine Kennels. Apparently they went into administration yesterday (bearing in mind my goods were supposed to be delivered yesterday!!) BUT HAVE NOT YET GONE INTO RECEIVERSHIP YET... We paid online by debit card and there fore are not able to get our money back as you would on a credit card but by law if they have not yet gone into receivership you ARE entitled to cancel your order and get a refund. They owe the Countrymans Weekly and the Shooting Times thousands and are still happy to take an order from customers fully well knowing that they are not going to receive their goods from Canine Kennels. It is DISGUSTING. Though one of their staff told be that they are being brought out and the new owners plan to resolve these problems but I'm not holding my breath. They are a Limited company and wouldn't suprise me if they come back under another name. The best advice we can give is speak to your bank, trading standards and keep the receivership status up to date with the official receivership helpine. Its a really horrible feeling being knocked, especially with Xmas right on our door step :thumbdown::angry::cry:


lets all get together and stop this company


yes they did go into liquidation there limited company is called canine products i heard from someone who worked there that they knew for months they were going to close but still took orders.planning to re-open. if this company called broxap has paid them any money who gets it. i bet its not the customers. i have also been told watch dog have been having a look at them. if they say it was canine leathers that went bump why did they stop trading? it was not money people lost for leather leads it was money for galvanised panels, kennels, cages and the like, it was those products people lost there money on. i think its just a way for them to get around re-opening how many more people will get stung in the future? there trading with the same web site same phone number and also the same address.they should be made to pay all the money back to customers if watch dog are looking at them send them your complaints dont let them get away with it im sure with a little bit of digging the truth will come out. i lost £500 on panels i have given my story to watch dog here is web site http://www.bbc.co.uk/watchdog/gotastory/


lets all get together and stop this company



I have been calling them like every day as had an email from them last week asking me to contact them urgently as apparently they have been allowed to release all stock thats been paid for. Spoke to them yesterday and said that whats happening...and apparently should be despatched by the end of the week (today) so going to give them a call in a minute. Asked if I could come and collect as fair enough they are struggling so it'd be one less courier fee but you them get all the ermms and buts so not holding my breath on this one!!

just done watchdog complaint...

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seen a thread on here yesterday saying that they are trading again, and that it was the compays canine leathers that as gone bust acording to companys house and canine kennels as merged with an other conpany, even the bosses e-mail is still paul@caninekennels,com, the web site is alive again after a couple of week and in two weeks you will be able to order of the site, looks like the big boy's just dont play fair

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