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It's a start,not much,but,a start...............

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I went out last night with my brother-in-law,I took the rimfire,but,I had a lot of trepidation because I hadn't even looked through a scope since my stroke.I have been VERY worried that it would have a permanent effect on what I love to do(shoot),but,luckily I had nothing to worry about,as,my good eye was definitely in......................


My brother-in-law had one,and,he allowed me to take the rest,and,I was over the moon(understatement)with how I shot,all headshots to boot.As I still am not allowed to drive I obviously need someone to take me out,and,I have been out with a chap from another site who I took out onto a bit of permission I have to see if he could get on a Doe,but,unfortunately none showed(very rare not to show on this piece of land),and,I have a chap from another site hopefully(if all goes well)taking me out foxing Saturday night,so,I am really looking forward to that I can tell you.

The worst part about having had this stroke is that I feel fine in myself,but,my eyesight just doesn't seem to be getting any better,and,obviously that has a direct impact on my driving.But,I must stay positive,and,still feel that it will get better.

A few bunnies might not set your world on fire,but,to me it was a massive corner to turn,and,I was smiling all night long,and,still am........................hope to post something else after Saturday night..........martin

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Six bunnies or Six thousand, its a start back on track for you.


I hope you don't see any permanent effects from your stroke and that you can get back to shooting in all the ways you were before.


It must have been a great feeling to get back into the swing of using the guns again, I would really be lost without being able to get on with it.


I don't suppose the recoil on the centrefires will do you much good just now, so maybe time to have fun with the rimfire :yes:


Good luck on Saturday, keep us posted, and hope you keep on getting better.


SS :thumbs:

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