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just askin

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does any one get any luck going out lamping with abullx because i took my bullgreyhound out for a smooch and shes abit nippy we got two rabbits tht night well she caught one and the greyhound which belongs to my mate we also dropped on afox

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my bullx dog is 27tts and dose rabbits ok on the lamp & retrieves the od shoot hare. :whistling: so just couse it was breed for bigger stuff dose not mean it cant do the od rabbit.



spot on mate.. i went out with a lad a month back who had a 26" (i think) bull x ... very good on rabbits and retrieving live to hand... this dog will also kill fox etc...

Edited by jolong
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Guest lurcherboy2008
my bullx dog is 27tts and dose rabbits ok on the lamp & retrieves the od shoot hare. :whistling: so just couse it was breed for bigger stuff dose not mean it cant do the od rabbit.



spot on mate.. i went out with a lad a month back who had a 26" (i think) bull x ... very good on rabbits and retrieving live to hand... this dog will also kill fox etc...

jolong is right the dog is a pretty heavy dog caught good rabbits even when unfit i suppose if you run plenty with them theyll get use to it the turning is the main thing with a heavy dog and if your out enough running plenty of rabbits every time out i ecpect they could easily make a decent dog

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